Excerpts of Off-the-Cuff Speech at the 22nd National Culture Day, the Closing of Sixth Youth Arts Festival, and the 3rd Gathering of Artists​ [Unofficial Translation]

[…] (The Ministry) must find it out. Even if the (Cambodian) persons who led the Royal Ballet team is a royal families member himself, the Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts must invite and give him/her instruction on such devastating action. Cambodian arts belongs to the Cambodian nation, not an exclusive property of anyone royal members. Even HM the King, he never considers them his own exclusively […]

[…] Firstly, please work together to keep value of national culture and arts by maintaining the different forms of arts that we have. I continue to say that there could be no cultural aggression from outside but only voluntary acceptance […]

[…] Secondly, may I ask artists not to insult each other online/Facebook? It is quite inappropriate. As artists, you are public figures taking your appearance on TV and among thousands of public where you performed. What would it do to your reputation when you insult one another on Facebook? […] either in associations or as individuals, artists must refrain from such rhetoric or insults […] you are pursuing roles of social educators but you seemed to do things that disrepute yourselves […]

Samdech Techo Hun Sen, 22nd National Culture Day, 3 March 2020

Excerpts of Off-the-Cuff Speech at the Graduation and Diploma Presenting Ceremony of the Asia-Europe University [Unofficial Translation]

[…] The US-ASEAN summit scheduled to take place on March 14. However, in light of Covid-19 outbreak, President Donald Trump is required to postpone […] I supported his decision […] the President as well as we, leaders in ASEAN, are focusing efforts to keep the disease situation under control […]

[…] I have come to a point that in the time to come I will hold those who spread fake news – for instance that someone fell dead because of Covid-19, responsible as terrorists […] (One may ask that) those rogues (have done so) what would they get in return from spreading fake news […] but causing fear for people and their own families […]

[…] the National Council for Women appealed to women not to wear shorts […] I have said that those who do business online should not go live in inappropriate dressings […] some said we violated human rights […] have they looked up laws regarding human trafficking and protection of custom and tradition? […]

Samdech Techo Hun Sen, Diploma Presenting Ceremony of the Asia-Europe University, 2 March 2020

Selected Off-the-Cuff Speech at the Inauguration of the National Road 58 [Unofficial Translation]

[…] I wish to take this opportune moment to affirm that it is not that I will end my role in one day or two days or by 2023. I have an ambition to continue in the post of Prime Minister through to 2028 or even after 2028 […] I hope that our people will continue to vote for the Cambodian People’s Party in the 2022 communal elections and the general elections in 2023 […]

[…] The 174 Km national road 56 from the city of Poi Pet on national road 5 through to the city of Samraong of Uddar Meanjei plays very important role in my efforts to fulfil two goals at one time. After the implementation of the win-win policy, I issued two goals for the country’s development […] firstly, transforming former battlefields into market and development places. Secondly, transforming borderlines with neighboring countries into one with peace, friendship, cooperation, and development […]

[…] in time of peace, everyone looks to China for assistance. In times of disaster, everyone seemed to have distanced from China. HM the King of Cambodia and HRH the Queen Mother sent messages sharing China’s hardships and contributed a sum of money […] showing Cambodia’s heart. I did what the Khmers say – “a friend indeed is a friend in need” […]

[…] We have put into operation three of the four b

Neth Panha, [26.02.20 17:26]
order passes […] we needed to sell goods to Thailand. Thailand needed to sell goods to Cambodia. More than we did to Thailand. We needed construction materials […] raw materials […] fuel from Thailand […]. I discussed with HE Prayuth Chan-ocha (Prime Minister of Thailand) to put into operation the O Nieng pass to connect special economic zone by transportation into Thailand […]

[…] agricultural machineries […] where did they come from? It is because we have peace and our people have made efforts as a family, a community, a state. The state provided a facilitation to impose no tax on agricultural land […] I continue to declare that after 41 years that we imposed no tax on agricultural land, and if the Cambodian People’s Party continues to be in power, it would be even 100 more years, we will not impose tax on agricultural land […]

[…] some analysts say (Cambodia) abandoned the US and Europe for China. I already affirmed that I am abandoning no one. I need all the friends I could make. Some have been too extreme. While the US is also doing business with China, why do they hate China so much? It is an unrealistic politics. (If they) follow this political path, (they) cannot be Cambodian leaders. Cambodia makes international relations irrespective of political regimes. As of now, we have diplomatic relations with over 170 countries […]

Samdech Techo Hun Sen, Inauguration of National Road 58 from Poi Pet to Somroang, 26 February 2020

A Message and Impromptu Comments on Measures Taken to Manage Impacts from Covid-19 Related Pneumonia and Suspension of Tax Favor on a Number of Goods under (Everything But Arms) Program [Unofficial Translation]

In addition to the message on “Measures Taken to Manage Impacts from Covid-19 Related Pneumonia and Suspension of Tax Favor on a Number of Goods under (Everything But Arms) Program,” Samdech Techo made the following off-the-cuff elaborations and comments: Today we are conducting the meeting of the Supreme Council for Consultations and Recommendations (SCCR). Before…

Selected off-the-cuff comments at Ministry of Interior’s 2019 Reviews and 2020-Directives Setting Conference [Unofficial Translation]

• […] Samdech Sar Kheng stressed on importance of implementing “village/commune safety.” I wanted it to be a national movement […] no crimes happened out of boundary of village, even central, provincial or communal levels, it started from the village […]

• […] 86% (of the Cambodian population have) trust in state management capacity, or confidence in the Cambodian People’s Party, so to speak, on issue of keeping peace and safety […] it is on this note that we must continue working […] on suppressing crimes […] alleviating fear among our people from robberies, thefts, drugs, and violence of all kinds […]

• […] (Listening) initially (to recommendation on finding and stripping off rights to drive, some may) think that Prime Minister punish people […] (in fact, doing this is for the sake of) defending drivers’ and other travellers’ lives […] after all, it is for safety of everyone […]

• […] There have been comments […] that it was a minor diplomatic dispute between Cambodia and Malaysia on this case of the 83 years old American lady […] it was not a dispute, I affirm. Cambodia seeks explanation only […] after being denied port of call everywhere, (allowing it to dock meant) Cambodia has fulfilled a humanitarian work […]

Samdech Techo Hun Sen, Closing of Annual Meeting of Ministry of Interior, 20 February 2020