Special Message on Closing the November-28 Community Outbreak Event; 22nd Anniversary of Win-win Policy; and Extraction of Cambodian First Drop of Crude Oil [Unofficial Translation]

My worship to holly Buddhist monks, nuns, dear compatriots. Today, I have some issues that I would like to address to you. As a start, I would like to take this opportunity to announce the end of the November-28 (Covid-19 community outbreak) event, which is also falling on today, the 22nd anniversary of the end…

Selected Audio-Message Concerning Covid-19 Community Outbreak in Thailand and Preventive Measures against Community Transmission in Cambodia

Venerable Buddhist Monks, Dear compatriots, Today, I have an urgent message to our Buddhist monks and compatriots regarding the outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic in the communities in the Kingdom of Thailand, where there have been 576 infected in one day, and in one area. This situation in Thailand is not serious compared to its more…

A Special Message Briefing the Cambodian Compatriots on Covid-19 Latest Situation, Consideration of Vaccines, and Further Measures [Unofficial Translation]

A. Covid-19 Situation; November-28 Community Outbreak; Vaccine Strategy I would like to address the monks and compatriots on a number of issues after November 30, 2020, when I announced in Siem Reap regarding the status of the “November-28 Community (Infection) Events.” Days ago, I have been silent, and people could have seen me leading meetings…

Heartfelt and Financial Support to Purchase Anti-Covid-19 Vaccine Is Considered “People’s Health Protection Foundation” [Unofficial Translation]

  Dear our compatriots! After I have announced the purchase of the Covid-19 vaccine, there was a huge support movement, both emotionally and financially, which I considered as the “people’s health protection foundation” after the people’s national defense foundation from 2008 to 2011. The total amount donated by generous persons so far is more than…

Extensive Excerpts from the Audio Message Reminding the Power Delegation to Provincial/Municipal Authorities to Inspect and Close Locations that Do Not Follow Measures of the Ministry of Health [Unofficial Translation]

I would like to send this (audio message) to His Excellency the Capital/Provincial Governors throughout the country. I would like to remind you of the message on the night of November 29th and 30th, which I announced, during the road construction ceremony in Siem Reap, power delegation to all national institutions (to) decide whether to…