Excerpts of the impromptu speech of Samdech Techo Hun Sen, President of the Senate and Chairman of the Supreme Privy Council at the conference on “Cambodia’s Future without Genocide: Protection and Response through Education and Healthcare”​ [Unofficial excerpts and translations]

[1] (1) Measures to provide protection, traffic in addition to security during each hearing required to select the Army Command as the tribunal court to try Khmer Rouge leaders I should point out a bit as to how did we decided on the location of the Khmer Rouge trial here […] when the agreement between…

Selected Excerpts from Samdech Techo Hun Sen’s impromptu speech at the graduation ceremony for students of the Royal University of Law and Economics (RULE) [Unofficial Translation]

(1) Human resource development reaches a point of pride […] We have focused on training human resources as a priority for the sake of responding to our effort to build the country. I have stated that we started with “those who know more, teach those who know less, and those who know less, teach those…

Samdech Techo Hun Sen: “2022 – Unusual Year for Our Diplomatic Battle” – Extracts from the speech of Samdech Techo Hun Sen speech at the closing the 2022 work review meeting and raising the work direction for 2023 of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation [Unofficial Translation]

Today, I am very pleased to be able to attend the closing ceremony of the annual meeting of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, which was suspended for two years due to the Covid-19 epidemic. I would like to welcome the presence of His Excellency, Lok Chumteav, leaders, members of the Royal Government,…

Samdech Techo Hun Sen’s Highlights to the Press on the 40th and 41st ASEAN Summits and Related Meetings in the Kingdom of Cambodia [Unofficial Translation]

The following are selected questions and answer in the press briefing and conference after the 40th and 41st ASEAN summits and related meetings CC Times (The Cambodia China Times): […] (Among other questions) why did ASEAN achieve so many memberships – up to seven countries – as high contracting parties to TAC? […] Does receiving…

Extensive Excerpts of Samdech Techo Hun Sen’s Speech at the Inauguration of National Road No. 3 from Choam Chao Roundabout, Phnom Penh, to Kampot City [Unofficial Translation]

NR 3 – a New Achievement of Cambodia-China Comprehensive Strategic Partnership His Excellency Wang Wentian, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People’s Republic of China to the Kingdom of Cambodia, Excellencies, Ladies and Compatriots! Today, we gather for the official inauguration of the 134.806 Kilometers National Road 3, which connects Phnom Penh with Kampot. This…

Excerpts from Samdech Techo Hun Sen’s Groundbreaking Ceremony Speech for Boeung Choeung Ek Wastewater Treatment Plant, Japan’s Grant Aid [Unofficial Translation]

Three Japanese Aid Projects Inaugurated Within One Month Today we come together to inaugurate the Choeung Ek Wastewater Treatment Plant, a grant from the Government and people of Japan. As Ambassador HE MIKAMI Masahiro just mentioned, in just over a month, (we have put into operation) three projects […] the first one is the National…

Excerpts from the Off-the-Cuff Speech of Samdech Techo at the Inauguration of 7 Bridges (2 Bridges in Prey Veng and 5 bridges in Kratie) – Grants from the Government and People of Japan [Unofficial Translation]

Bailey Bridges in Kratie & Prey Veng Turn Concrete with Japanese Grant Aid Today, we are really happy to come together to inaugurate 7 bridges, 2 in Prey Veng along National Road 11 and 5 in Kratie along National Road 73. More than a month ago, HE Mikami Masahiro and I, as well as JICA…

Extensive Excerpt from Samdech Techo Hun Sen’s Inauguration Speech of National Road No. 7, a length of 93.64 km from the Tiger Roundabout to Romeat Commune, Kratie Province [Unofficial Translation]

China Helps with Connectivity to/in the Northeast Today, I am pleased to work with the Chinese Ambassador His Excellency Wang Wintian, Excellencies, Lok Chumteavs, Ladies and Gentlemen, and compatriots to inaugurate National Road No. 7, a length of 93 km long from the Tiger Roundabout to Romeat commune, Kratie province. A moment ago, His Excellency…