Excerpts from the Speech of Samdech Techo Hun Sen Delivered at the Closing Session of 2021 Annual Review and 2022 Directives Setting Conference of Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries [Unofficial Translation]

In addition to the prepared text, Samdech Techo Hun Sen addressed the audience with the following elaboration that CNV transcribed and translated unofficially [The Prepared Text] Sixth, must continue to promote development of all forms of aquaculture effectively in accordance with the “Strategic Plan for Aquaculture Development 2016-2030” to ensure the supply of domestic fish…

Excerpts from the Inaugural Speech of Samdech Techo Hun Sen on the official Operation of National Road 21 [unofficial Translation]

Despite the Delay in Inauguration, People Already Benefited Today, we are very happy to inaugurate jointly National Road 21, which connects the provincial town of Kandal to the Vietnamese border Chrey Thom. The program originally scheduled to take place in March 2021, but because of the February 20 (Covid-19 community outbreak) event, we postponed the…

Excerpts from Samdech Techo Hun Sen’s Inaugural Speech of Cambodia-China Friendship Hospital Preah Kosomak

New Fruits of Comprehensive Strategic Partnership and Steel Friendship Relations Today, I am very happy to join His Excellency Wang Wentian, with His Excellency, Lok Chumteav, Ladies and Gentlemen, especially our doctors here to inaugurate the Cambodia-China Friendship Hospital Preah Kosomak building. HE Mam Bunheng has already made a report and Ambassador HE Wang Wentian…

Extensive Excerpts of Adlib Speech at the Inauguration Ceremony of SOS Children’s Village, Prey Veng Province [Unofficial Translation]

Dr. Dereje Wordofa, President of SOS Children’s Villages Samdech, Excellencies, Ladies and Compatriots Inauguration of the Seventh SOS Children’s Village in Prey Veng Province Today we are happy to have witnessed a strong partnership between the Royal Government of Cambodia and SOS Children’s Village. We inaugurated the SOS Children’s Village in Prey Veng, the seventh…

Extensive Excerpts of Samdech Techo Hun Sen’s Speech at the Inauguration of National Road No. 3 from Choam Chao Roundabout, Phnom Penh, to Kampot City [Unofficial Translation]

NR 3 – a New Achievement of Cambodia-China Comprehensive Strategic Partnership His Excellency Wang Wentian, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People’s Republic of China to the Kingdom of Cambodia, Excellencies, Ladies and Compatriots! Today, we gather for the official inauguration of the 134.806 Kilometers National Road 3, which connects Phnom Penh with Kampot. This…

Off-the-Cuff Speech of Samdech Techo Hun Sen at the Closing Session of the Annual Review Conference Summarizing the Works and Achievements in 2021 and Work Guidelines for 2022 of the Ministry of Interior [Unofficial Translation]

[From the prepared text 1] Point 8 – 2022 is the first year to implement the five-year plan of the National Program for Decentralization and De-concentration, Phase II, in order to continue to promote the process of sub-national administrative reform to achieve the goals of ministries, institutions, administrations at all levels. At the sub-national level,…

Excerpts from Samdech Techo Hun Sen’s Groundbreaking Ceremony Speech for Boeung Choeung Ek Wastewater Treatment Plant, Japan’s Grant Aid [Unofficial Translation]

Three Japanese Aid Projects Inaugurated Within One Month Today we come together to inaugurate the Choeung Ek Wastewater Treatment Plant, a grant from the Government and people of Japan. As Ambassador HE MIKAMI Masahiro just mentioned, in just over a month, (we have put into operation) three projects […] the first one is the National…

Excerpts from the Off-the-Cuff Speech of Samdech Techo at the Inauguration of 7 Bridges (2 Bridges in Prey Veng and 5 bridges in Kratie) – Grants from the Government and People of Japan [Unofficial Translation]

Bailey Bridges in Kratie & Prey Veng Turn Concrete with Japanese Grant Aid Today, we are really happy to come together to inaugurate 7 bridges, 2 in Prey Veng along National Road 11 and 5 in Kratie along National Road 73. More than a month ago, HE Mikami Masahiro and I, as well as JICA…

Keynote Address at the International Summit Council for Peace (ISCP) Global Assembly At the World Summit 2022 on “Peace in the Korean Peninsula”

Excellency Heads of State and Government, Honorable Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, Co-Founder of the Universal Peace Federation, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, It has been 72 years since the Korean War started and 69 years since the signing of the armistice agreement between the two Koreas. Throughout all these past decades, peace efforts have been…