Extensive Excerpts from Samdech Techo Hun Sen’s Conversation with the Cambodian Community in Switzerland and Europe [Unofficial Translation]

The Gathering Indicates Affection to Local Cambodians, the Royal Government […] Our previous plan was I came to Davos in January. But then in Europe there was an outbreak of Omicron mutation virus. Therefore, the organizers of the World Economic Forum asked for an extension and set a new date on 22-27 (May). Parallelly, the…

Excerpts of Samdech Techo Hun Sen’s Inaugural Speech on the Inauguration of National Road 51, 37 Kilometers from Udong, connecting between National Road 5 and National Road 4 [Unofficial Translation]

HE Economic Adviser, Representative of the Embassy and Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to the Kingdom of Cambodia, Samdech, Excellencies, Lok Chumteavs, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Compatriots! National Road 51 – One of Cambodia and China Relation Achievements Today, we are very happy to come together to officially inaugurate National Road 51, which…

Excerpts from the Press Conference Given by Samdech Techo Hun Sen on the Launch of the COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign for Adolescents Aged 12 to under 18 [Unofficial Translation]

Vaccinate Teenagers to Build Community Immunity to Re-open Schools Today we are working together to launch a vaccination campaign for children and young people (aged between 12 and below 18). It is not a coincidence. We have thought carefully until we have a campaign today along with the ongoing campaign that we are reaching out…

Selected Off-the-Cuff Speech at the Gathering of Civil Servants and Technicians Teams Involved in Building Infrastructures of the Province of Preah Sihanouk [Unofficial Translation]

In 7 Months, 94% of 34 Roads Constructed My presence here today is mainly to inspect results of physical infrastructural development in the city of Preah Sihanouk. This morning we also had a form of meeting in the time of Covid-19 […] with someone talking from behind and those of us listening sitting in front…

Extensive Excerpt of Welcoming Statement to MS Westerdam Tourists at the Seaport of Preah Sihanouk [Unofficial Transltion]

• […] The real sickness in the region and the world has been ones of fear and discrimination […] this is no time for fear or discrimination but time for solidarity to resolve challenges (of CoViD-19) which has been threat not only to one but many countries […]

• […] Should there be CoViD-19 on the ship, would Cambodia allow docking? I am replying aptly […] I will allow docking the soonest possible […] could we leave infected human dying on the ship? […] that would be responsibility of the world as well as us responsible members of international community […]

• […] Cambodia upholds responsibility on respect of human rights, first of all right to life, and in this case more than 2,000 people from 41 nationalities on the ship […] Cambodia is doing for them now works relating to human right respect – right to life, right to no discrimination, and right to return to their countries safely […]

• […] I am giving those of you on board to leave for excursions to the province of Preah Sihanouk, or some may want to go to Siem Reap, and we will facilitate them with every facilities we may have – four planes of Cambodia Airways, for instance, to help deliver them […]

• […] Hotels, restaurants in Preah Sihanouk province should not discriminate against and be fearful to tourists because of this (sickness). If they are infectious, I am the first to get it. I strongly hope that the Cambodian people will exercise high responsibility as a contributor to promoting right to life, right to free travel and to no discrimination […] Cambodia has not got much wealth as other countries but we have got heart to save those people stranded at sea on the cruise ship […]

Samdech Techo Hun Sen, Statement during the Welcome of Westerdam Cruise Ship docking at Sihanouk Autonomous Port, 14 February 2020

Selected Impromptu Speech at the Graduation and Diploma Presenting Ceremony of the Cambodian University of Specialties (CUS) [Unofficial Translation]

Mother-in-Law Still in Emergency Room I am so happy to be able to join with all of you for the graduation and diploma presenting ceremony of the Cambodian University of Specialties […] it is my appearance in public after two weeks of closely monitoring condition of my mother-in-law’s health. As you may have already know,…