Selected Impromptu Comments at the Closing Ceremony of the Annual Review Conference of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries for 2015-2016, and Directives Setting for 2016-17 [Unofficial Translation]

Establishing Agricultural Associations As for this point, I wish to affirm that shall we leave farmers unorganized their bargaining power would be small. In fact, our Japanese friends advised us to set up cooperatives a while ago and I told the Japanese Ambassador that the word “cooperative” had misled people by what happened under the…

Selected Extempore at the Inauguration of Rui Feng Cambodia International Co., Ltd Sugar Factory in Chheb District, Preah Vihear province [Unofficial Translation]

“Heels Squeezing” Dancing Style – A Creation by Cambodian Children … Our people, especially younger ones, though there was such an unmerciful heat that affects Cambodia and other countries in the region, had had a good time during the Khmer New Year festivities. I hope that a majority would have learnt this year the so-called…

Selected Impromptu Comments at the Closing of the Annual 2015 Review and 2016 Directives Setting Conference of Interior [Unofficial Translation]

In addition to the prepared text at the closing session of the Annual 2015 Review and 2016 Directives Setting Conference of the Ministry of Interior, Samdech Techo Hun Sen stressed and listed out certain orders and recommendations dealing with issue of public services and social security as followed: Minister of Justice and Prisons Heads to…

Selected Impromptu Comments at the Ceremony to Inaugurate the “Morodok Techo” Building of the Ministry of Environment and to Open the Annual Review Conference on Environment for 2015 and Directives Setting for 2016 [Unofficial Translation]

In addition to the prepared text, to preside over the inauguration of the Morodok Techo Building of the Ministry of Environment and the opening of the annual review conference on environment of 2015 and directives setting for 2016, Samdech Techo Hun Sen gave his impromptu comments as followed on a number of topics: Say Sam…

Selected Impromptu Comments at the Graduation and Diploma Presenting Ceremony of the National University of Management (NUM) [Unofficial Translation]

Today I am so pleased to be able to preside over the graduation and present diplomas to some 4,901 graduates. Our country has today achieved new educated human resource. I would like to express my sincere appreciation for the efforts made by our country as a whole and particularly for the Ministry of Education, Youth,…

Selected Impromptu Comments on the Occasion of a Visit to the Handicap Soldiers Development Centre at Ta Ken Koh Sla, Chhouk District, Kompot Province [Unofficial Translation].

Today, my wife and I, together with other leaders have come here once again to conduct our annual visit. Last year we came in June. This year we came late. However, late is better than never. We are here today to greet achievements that we have realized – fences of the school and pagoda. With…