Speech given by the Prime Minister on national and international occasions, review conference, etc. in English and in Khmer

Selected Off-the-Cuff Speech at the Groundbreaking Ceremony to Build Bridges from Koh Pich to Koh Norea and from Koh Norea to National Road 1, Phnom Penh [Unofficial Translation]

New Achievements on Land of Peace […] I am glad to join with our people to launch the groundbreaking ceremony and to allow use of underpass (at Chaom Chao) – two achievements in one event. Firstly, we will have, as reported by Mr Pung Khieu Sae, two bridges built – one concrete bridge of 60…

Selected Impromptu Speech during the Visit to Poipet (Location-2), Banteay Meanjei, to Meet Flash Flood Victims [Unofficial Translation]

The Whole Country Shares Hardships with Banteay Meanjei I am bringing to you messages of HM the King and the Queen Mother, who always have their compassions and concerns on people’s sufferings. I am taking this time to share our people’s suffering and hardships caused by flooding. It happened frequently in Banteay Maeanjei […] but…

Selected Impromptu Speech during the Inspection Visit to the Flood-Affected Parts and Meetings with People of Phnom Penh’s Dangkao District – Prek Chrey [Unofficial Translation]

Sharing Hardships with Tens of Thousands Afflicted by Rainwater Flooding […] I just came from meeting with people in the Satellite City Kuor Srov II. I came to the village of Spean Thmor – another safe ground for people coming from flood-afflicted areas. We have some electricity here supplied by generator. We had to cut…

Selected Impromptu Speech during the Inspection Visit to the Flood-Affected Parts and Meetings with People of Phnom Penh’s Dangkao District [Unofficial Translation]

Dear brothers and sisters, today, I have come to see you this place to share hardships symbolically with victims of rainwater flooding in the whole country. We have tens of thousands of households affected by rainwater flooding. Let me share with you my regret over the loss of 13 lives from this flooding incident in…