Selected Off-the-Cuff Comments at the 7th National Day on Clean City for 2018 “A Clean City: A City of Hospitality” [Unofficial Translation]

In addition to prepared text, Samdech Techo Hun Sen made comments on the following topics, which CNV provides unofficial translation: Wi-Fi without Internet Access Relating to this Wi-Fi thing, let me have your attention that what we have done on this project in Phnom Penh does not seem to be effective. Usually, traveling to places…

Selected Impromptu Comments at the Opening of the Regional Conference on “Combatting Falsified and Sub-standard Medicines” [Unofficial Translation]

In addition to the prepared text, opening the regional conference on combatting falsified and substandard medicines held in Phnom Penh, Samdech Techo made the following selected impromptu (and unofficial translated) comments: Lack of Cooperation on Combating Falsified and/or Sub-standard Medicines Allow me to raise some points that Cambodia encountered in its national framework. This would…

Selected Off-the-Cuff Speech at the Get-together of Workers/Employees at the Commune of Khmuonh, Khan Sen Sok [Unofficial Translation]

CPP Wins the Elections, Meetings with Workers/Employees Continue I have a great pleasure to meet you all as I have promised from before the elections. I said to workers and employees that should the Cambodian People’s Party win the elections, I would continue to meet with workers/employees once the elections were over. Should the Cambodian…

Selected Ad-lib Comments at the Celebration of the 11th Anniversary of the Cambodian Veterans 21 – June [Unofficial Translation]

In addition to the prepared text given at the celebration of the 11th anniversary of the Cambodian Veterans 21 – June, Samdech Techo made the following ad-lib comments: Housing for Veterans From now on, housing for veterans becomes our prioritized actions of our association. I have agreed to turn budgets that provinces have contributed to…

Selected Off-the-Cuff Speech at the Gathering of Workers/Employees in the District of Sa Arng and Koh Thom, Kandal [Unofficial translation]

… First of all, allow me to express my warm welcome to nephews (workers/employees) for participating in this gathering event. I thank the factories managements for giving permission to workers/employees to take a break from work for the meeting and an evening off thereafter […] Financial Advancement to Resolve Bankrupted Business Owners … I have…

Selected Off-the-cuff Speech at the Inauguration of the Cambodian-Korean Friendship National Pediatric Hospital [Unofficial Translation]

Hailing HM the King’s Birthday I have a great pleasure today to join with HE Oh Nak-young, extraordinary and plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Korea, all of our people here to put into use officially the renovated and improved buildings of the Cambodian-Korean Friendship National Pediatric Hospital (CK-FNPH). As was reminded by HE Mam…

Selected Impromptu Comments at the Closing Session of the 39th Annual Conference on Health [Unofficial Translation]

In addition to the prepared text, Samdech Techo Hun Sen made the following impromptu comments that CNV had selected and translated unofficially as followed: Distribution of Physicians According to People’s Requirements I have said on various occasions that I attended the (health) conference on management and distribution of human resource based on findings from a…