6 Points in Response to the Slanderous Post that “Funan Techo Canal Will Facilitate the Chinese Navy Near the Vietnamese Border” (From Samdech Techo’s Facebook Page)

Following a series of slanderous reports about the presence of Chinese troops at the Ream naval base, they now fabricate the story of the Techo Funan Canal, which falsely mentions that the canal will further facilitate the Chinese navy near the Vietnamese border even when the canal is still under construction. Today I would like…

Speech by Samdech Techo Hun Sen Opening of the BOAO Forum for Asia “Asia and the World: Common Challenges, Shared Responsibilities” [Unofficial Translation]

H.E. Li Baodong, Secretary General of the Boao Forum for Asia, Excellencies Heads of State and Government, H.E. Zhao Leji, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress of China, Excellencies, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen! I have the great pleasure of speaking at the opening session of the Boao Forum for Asia…

Samdech Techo Hun Sen holds a video conversation with His Excellency Dimitri Medvedev, President of the All-Russian Political Party or “United Russia” [Unofficial Translation ]

(Excerpts from Samdech Hun Sen of Cambodia – Facebook) Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen, Chairman of the Supreme Council of HM the King of Cambodia and President of the Cambodian People’s Party (CPP), met online with His Excellency Dimitri Medvedev, President of the United Russia Party, lasting for about 20 minutes in…

Selected excerpts from Samdech Techo Hun Sen’s off-the-cuff speech at the 137th anniversary celebration of International Labor Day – May 1, and the groundbreaking ceremony for Sihanoukville container terminal and the celebration of the 70th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Cambodia and Japan [Unofficial Translation]

(1) Westerdam to return to Sihanoukville port to mark the history of Cambodia’s humanitarian gesture Today we are celebrating three ceremonies together. The first is the celebration of the 137th anniversary of International Labor Day. The second is the groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of the container terminal at Sihanoukville Autonomous Port (SAP), and the…

Samdech Techo Hun Sen: “2022 – Unusual Year for Our Diplomatic Battle” – Extracts from the speech of Samdech Techo Hun Sen speech at the closing the 2022 work review meeting and raising the work direction for 2023 of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation [Unofficial Translation]

Today, I am very pleased to be able to attend the closing ceremony of the annual meeting of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, which was suspended for two years due to the Covid-19 epidemic. I would like to welcome the presence of His Excellency, Lok Chumteav, leaders, members of the Royal Government,…

Excerpts of Samdech Techo Hun Sen at the Inauguration of Two Buildings and Conferment of Diplomas to Students of the Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC) [Unofficial Translation]

(1) Education restarted with empty hands in war and unjust punishment … His Excellency Dr. Hang Chuon Naron made a report just now. We are putting into operation two new building in the vicinity of the Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC). Secondly, we have this graduation ceremony and diplomas conferment for 4,617 graduates […]…

Excerpts from the Speech of Samdech Techo Hun Sen at the Awarding Ceremony of Certificates and Diplomas to Students of the University of Human Resources [Unofficial translation]

(1) Joining Efforts to Implement Health Measures and Vaccination Reopen the Country […] As a result of the efforts of all universities, both public and private, in general and in particular, for the University of Human Resources, especially in times of epidemics, we have through this joint effort been able to reopened the country, which…

Opening Remarks at the ASEAN Mayors Forum and the Meeting of Governors/Mayors of ASEAN Capitals 2022

Excellencies, Governors/Mayors of ASEAN Cities and Capitals; Dr. Secretary-General of United Cities and Local Governments Asia-Pacific (UCLG ASPAC); Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen! Today, I am truly pleased to preside over the Opening Ceremony of the ASEAN Mayors Forum (AMF) under the theme “Strengthening ASEAN Collaboration through Accelerating the Implementation of Smart, Resilient, and Sustainable Cities…