VDO message excerpts of Samdech Techo Hun Sen, President of the Senate, regarding the Funan-Techo Canal construction project [Unofficial excerpts and translations]

(1) National movement supports a socio-economic and political independence Funan-Techo Canal project Today, I have some issues to address and inform my compatriots regarding the “Funan-Techo Canal”. First of all, let me express my gratitude to all the monks, nuns, compatriots who support the Royal Government’s activities relating to the construction project of the Funan-Techo…

Excerpts from Samdech Techo Hun Sen’s conversation with factory workers near Wat Prey Speu, Khan Por Senchey, Phnom Penh [Unofficial Translation]

(1) 72nd anniversary of the foundation of the Cambodian People’s Party; 46 years of history of the struggle for national liberation, national unity, peace, territorial unity and development Thank you for joining us today. Our meeting took place on the occasion of the 72nd anniversary of the foundation of the Cambodian People’s Party. This year,…

Excerpts from Samdech Techo Hun Sen’s Conversation with Workers at Marvel Garment Factory in Royal Group Phnom Penh Special Economic Zone [Unofficial Translation]

(1) Cambodia provides 1 million doses of Covid-19 vaccine and some medical equipment to Myanmar […] It was difficult to forbid us (from meeting each other). It is like we – father and children or grandfather and grandchildren missing each other. Hopefully the Ministry of Health will not sue us for violating safety distance rules…

Excerpts from Samdech Techo Hun Sen Closing Address to the Annual Conference on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in 2022 and Directive Setting for 2023 [Unofficial Translation]

(1) Changing rice seeds strategy started in the 1980s […] I applaud the ongoing research associated with (rice) cultivation. Historically, starting in the 1980s, if I am not mistaken, it was a rice seed changing campaign. I remember when I was talking about changing rice varieties, my father said, “I raise your head this big,…

Extensive Excerpt from Samdech Techo Hun Sen’s Inauguration Speech of National Road No. 7, a length of 93.64 km from the Tiger Roundabout to Romeat Commune, Kratie Province [Unofficial Translation]

China Helps with Connectivity to/in the Northeast Today, I am pleased to work with the Chinese Ambassador His Excellency Wang Wintian, Excellencies, Lok Chumteavs, Ladies and Gentlemen, and compatriots to inaugurate National Road No. 7, a length of 93 km long from the Tiger Roundabout to Romeat commune, Kratie province. A moment ago, His Excellency…

Extensive Speech Excerpts at the Inauguration of the Cambodian-Chinese Stung Trang-Kroch Chhmar Bridge of Kompong Cham and Tbong Khmom Provinces and the Groundbreaking Ceremony to Build the National Road 71C [Unofficial Translation]

  Stoeung Trang-Kroch Chhmar Bridge in Use; NR 71C Starts Construction HE Wang Wentian, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) to the Kingdom of Cambodia, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, and Dear Compatriots! Today, we are gathering here to hold two ceremonies – firstly, the inauguration of the 1,131-meter-long Cambodia-China Friendship Bridge,…

Special Message on Closing the November-28 Community Outbreak Event; 22nd Anniversary of Win-win Policy; and Extraction of Cambodian First Drop of Crude Oil [Unofficial Translation]

My worship to holly Buddhist monks, nuns, dear compatriots. Today, I have some issues that I would like to address to you. As a start, I would like to take this opportunity to announce the end of the November-28 (Covid-19 community outbreak) event, which is also falling on today, the 22nd anniversary of the end…