Selected Adlib Comments at the Graduation and Diploma Presenting Ceremony for Graduates of the Health Sciences University (HSU) [Unofficial Translation]

Congratulation to 3,986 Graduates I am so pleased to preside over this graduation and diploma presenting ceremony of 3,986 graduates of the Health Sciences University. I am here with you for this auspicious event and I will be hurry to the airport to take a flight to China for the ASEAN-China Expo event. Today, the…

Selected Impromptu Comments at the Graduation and Diploma Presenting Ceremony of the Royal University of Law and Economics [Unofficial Translation]

A University with Famous Reputation Today, I have a great pleasure to join with all 3,579 graduates of the Royal University of Law and Economics (RULE) to celebrate their graduation and to present them with their diplomas. Since 1996, this is my 17th presence for the graduation and diplomas presenting ceremony for RULE. I could…

Selected Impromptu Comments at the Inauguration of the Provincial Town Hall and Related Offices of Tbong Khmom Province [Unofficial Translation]

I am coming back today after my presence in 2015 to launch the groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of the provincial town hall of Tbong Khmom – our new province. In 2016, we put into official use the Heng-Samrin-Tbong Khmom University that is not far from here. We are putting parts of the projected constructions…

Selected Impromptu Comments at the Inauguration of Primary and Junior Secondary School of Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen – Kratie City [Unofficial Translation]

Sub-national Authority and Education Officials to Inspect Wobble School Buildings … I am seeking your understanding that we have overlooked the school building situation putting you parents and teachers in concerns of students’ safety. Before us is an old school building left from those ones we pulled down to make way for new ones. They…

Selected Impromptu Comments at the Inauguration of the Annual Conference of Education, Youth and Sports 2015-16, and on Setting Directives for 2016-17​ [Unofficial Translation]

Urge Youth to Contest in the March-3 National Culture Day In relation to topic of March-3 Culture Day, we must continue to promote youth actions and cultural activities. I am glad to note that there have been participations from various educational foundations. I hope that in next year and years thereafter, educational foundations will continue…