Excerpts from Samdech Techo Hun Sen’s Impromptu Address to the Ceremony for the Expansion, Restoration and Upgrading of National Road No. 41 from Kompong Speu’s Toteung Road to Kampot Province [Unofficial Translatio]

(1) “Longer Roads with Less Money” – No More; NR 41 and 51 – King Ang Duong Access to Sea; NR 41 Runs Through Four Provinces and Ten Districts; China Built 30 Roads, More Than 3000 Km, and Nearly 2 Billion USD […] I would like to take this opportunity to first thank His Excellency…

Excerpts from Samdech Techo Hun Sen’s Speech at the Diplomas Presenting Ceremony for Students of the Royal University of Law and Economics (RULE) [Unofficial Translation]

[…] we have faced difficulties, and we have overcome them together. In the field of education, we have seen a new opportunity has arisen at the time of the Covid-19 epidemic. We have closed down schools but we replaced face-to-face classes with online learning. This can be considered as a leap forward in the digital…

Excerpts of Samdech Techo Hun Sen’s Off-the-cuff Speech at the Graduation and Diploma Presenting Ceremony of the Phnom Penh International University [Unofficial Translation]

(1) No Water Festival in Phnom Penh to Keep Security for the ASEAN Summit; Digital System for Education Leapfrogged; Knowledge Is the Best Jewelry; Pondering Schooling for Migrant Workers’ Children This year, although we did not celebrate the water destival, auk ambok, and floating lanterns, which are to take place on 6, 7 and 8…

Excerpts from the Off-the-Cuff Speech of Samdech Techo Hun Sen at the Presentation of Diplomas to the Graduates of Asia-Europe University

(1) Digital Technology Widely Used in Education; the Country Fully Reopened; Students Prioritized for Vaccination; Disables Reaped Benefit from Education  Today, I am thrilled to be present at the Asia-Europe University graduation ceremony, which we had not been able to organize for the past two years. As I said last week, with the crisis that…

Excerpts of Samdech Techo Hun Sen’s Impromptu Speech during the Meeting with 1,753 A-Mention Students in the High School Diploma Examination for the 2020-2021 School Year [Unofficial Translation]

A-Mention Students Meeting Postponed Due to Covid-19 New Variants Today we are really happy to be together after a break (because of the outbreak of the new variant of Covid-19) in the past. I would take this opportunity to remind us that we had previously planned to meet in February, but due to the new…

Excerpts from Samdech Techo Hun Sen Off-the-Cuff Speech at the Closing Ceremony of the 2020-2021 Annual Review and 2022-2023 Directives Setting Conference on Education, Youth and Sports [Unofficial Translation]

Mask Wearing Waived, “3 Don’ts, 3 Protections” Still Necessary What is called “3 dos and 3 don’ts”? Among the “3 protections,” wearing a mask is the first action to lift. But let me be clear, I still consider “3 dos and 3 protections” – in all of their measures – necessary. In my message yesterday…

Extensive Excerpts of Adlib Speech at the Inauguration Ceremony of SOS Children’s Village, Prey Veng Province [Unofficial Translation]

Dr. Dereje Wordofa, President of SOS Children’s Villages Samdech, Excellencies, Ladies and Compatriots Inauguration of the Seventh SOS Children’s Village in Prey Veng Province Today we are happy to have witnessed a strong partnership between the Royal Government of Cambodia and SOS Children’s Village. We inaugurated the SOS Children’s Village in Prey Veng, the seventh…