Speech given by the Prime Minister on national and international occasions, review conference, etc. in English and in Khmer

Speech and Comments at the Ceremony to Celebrate 67th International Children’s Day – 1 June, Cambodian Children’s Day, and the 15th World Day against Child’s Labor – 12 June [Unofficial Translation]

In addition to the prepared text, to celebrate the 67th International Children’s Day, Samdech Techo Hun Sen made the following selected impromptu comments: … Looking from where I am, because you are very small children sitting in chairs, I seemed to see only chairs. You may all stand up. Since today we celebrate the children’s…

Selected Impromptu Comments at the Closing Ceremony of the Annual Review Conference of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries for 2015-2016, and Directives Setting for 2016-17 [Unofficial Translation]

Establishing Agricultural Associations As for this point, I wish to affirm that shall we leave farmers unorganized their bargaining power would be small. In fact, our Japanese friends advised us to set up cooperatives a while ago and I told the Japanese Ambassador that the word “cooperative” had misled people by what happened under the…

Selected Adlib Comments at the Inauguration of a Buddhist Temple in the Pagoda of Keo Muni or Angkor Ban, Kangmeas District, Kompong Cham Province [Unofficial Translation]

I am so glad today to be able to join with our Buddhist monks and people, excellencies, ladies and compatriots to put into official use this Buddhist temple of the Keo Muni (Angkor Ban) pagoda. I am taking this opportune moment to express my sincere thanks for the Buddhist monks, head monk of the pagoda…