Speech given by the Prime Minister on national and international occasions, review conference, etc. in English and in Khmer

Selected Impromptu Comments at a Crossing Point along the Cambodia-Vietnam Border in Commemoration of the Commencement of 40 Years Ago to Overthrow the Pol Pot’s Regime (2) [Unofficial Translation]

Ready to Commit Suicide Should Vietnam Arrest and Send Back to Cambodia The point where I left Cambodia was there but symbolically we are standing here. It was at this point that I stood turning back to see my native country and thought what a fate – I left home at 13 years old to…

Selected Impromptu at the Commemorative Day of the Commencement of 40 Years Ago to Overthrow the Pol Pot’s Regime (20 June 1977 – 20 June 2017) – the village of Koh Thmar, the commune of Tunloung, the district of Mehmot, Tbong Khmom province [Unofficial Translation]

A Return to Where National Salvation from Pol Pot’s Genocide Started Samdech, Excellencies, Lok Chumteavs, Ladies, and Gentlemen, and beloved people of Koh Thmar village, today, I return to the land where we commenced our salvation movement to liberate the country from the regime of genocide. Today, forty years ago, I was in about 200…

Keynote Address and Selected comment at the “2nd Asia Cooperation Dialogue (ACD) Ministerial Meeting on Tourism and the 1st UNESCO and UNWTO International Conference on Sustainable Tourism and Heritage Cities” [Unofficial Translation]

Excellencies Ministers and Heads of Delegations from all Member States of Asia Cooperation Dialogue (ACD), Excellency Ms. Anne Lemaistre, UNESCO Representative in Cambodia, Excellency Mr. Shanzhong Zhu, Executive Director of UNWTO Distinguished National and International Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen! Today, I have a great pleasure to attend the Opening of the 2nd Asia Cooperation Dialogue…

Selected Impromptu Comments at the Gathering of the Christian Leaders and Followers for the Sake of Religious Harmonization in Cambodia​ [Unofficial Translation]

The Second Meeting in Communal Elections Campaigns I thank Christian leaders and followers for taking part on this occasion. This is our second meeting after our first meeting last year. We have agreed to meet once a year. Next year we will meet again. This year, the Ministry of Cults and Religion proposed to me…

Remark at the “Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation” under theme: “Synergy of Policies for Close Partnership”

Exellency, Xi Jinping, President of People’s Republic of China and the Chairman of the Meeting, Excellencies, Leaders of the Participating Countries, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen! I am greatly honored and pleased to attend this important “Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation”. I would like to extend my warmest congratulation and high appreciation to Excellency…

Remark at the Working Lunch of Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation under the Theme: Closer People to People Bond

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen! The “21st Century Maritime Silk Road and One Belt-One Road Initiative” covers over 60 countries with 4.4 billion people in Asia, Europe, Oceania and Africa. All the nations along this Silk Road used to have glorious civilizations in the world, sharing diverse histories, cultures, regions, traditions and languages. In promoting the…