Speech given by the Prime Minister on national and international occasions, review conference, etc. in English and in Khmer

Keynote Address at the Boao Forum for Asia

Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, At the outset, may I express my deepest a ppreciation to the founders of the Boao Forum for Asia and the Government of the People’s Republic of China for organizing this important meeting and inviting me to address this August forum.

Selected Comments at the Groundbreaking Ceremony to Build a Bridge at Doem Sdao in the Commune of Pongro, the District of Koh Sotin of Kompong Cham Province

… A year has gone by since my presence last year on March 29 to inaugurate the 96-metre Bailey Bridge of Pongro with eleven solar energized lights, the 75-metre Bailey Bridge of Roka Kaong with seven solar energized lights and the eleven-kilometre road between Pongro and Mohaleap. We are gathering here today to celebrate another…