Speech given by the Prime Minister on national and international occasions, review conference, etc. in English and in Khmer
It is my great pleasure to return to the district of Prey Nub once again. The National Fishery Day was established by the sub-decree number 99 issued on 25 September 2002. The nationwide action has been set up for the whole country after a process that was started in the 1980s and 1990s in a…
Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen: Today, I am greatly delighted to join you all in this closing of the seminar on “Traffic Safety and Strategy to Prevent and Reduce Road Accidents” which have been
… HE Sar Kheng, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Interior, has brought forwards important recommendations to our seminar on power delegation to the office of Public Works and Transports at the provincial level to issue number identity to all vehicles. There is some kind of conflicting procedure of two Sub-decrees where the idea of…
Your Excellency Dr. Hafiz Ahmed Pasha; Your Excellencies; Ladies and Gentlemen: Today, it is my great pleasure to join you all in the launching of a Groundbreaking New
It is indeed the second time that I have come here to preside over the graduation ceremony – and my previous presence was in 2002. It is four years now that I have come again to preside over the graduation for the 8 and 9 batches of 1755 students of KNG Institute. It is important…
… On behalf of the Royal Government of Cambodia and my wife, I wish to covey my sincere appreciation and thanks to our people and monks who are present here today. I have a great pleasure to be in the province of Udor Mean Chey to put into use some of the achievements and would…
– Your Venerable Monks, – Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, – Our Beloved Citizen, Teachers and Students! Today, my wife and I are greatly delighted and honored to join you all in the Inauguration
– Your Excellencies, – Distinguished participants, – Ladies and Gentlemen: On behalf of the Royal Government and the Cambodian people, I would like to
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen Today I have the great pleasure and honour to join you all once again – Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, Members of the Royal Government and Representatives of the private sector as well as all the distinguished national and international guests, at this
Your Venerable Buddhist Monks, Your Excellencies, Ambassadors to the Kingdom of Cambodia, Your Excellency Mr. David De Beer, Special Adviser to the European Commission, Project Manager EU/ASAC, Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, National and International Guests, Dear Beloved Citizen, Teachers and Students!