PM Hun Sen Announces Free Access to National Road No. 21

Source: FN Prime Minister Hun Sen announced to allow free access for people traveling on National Road No. 21 connecting Daun Keo city to National Road No. 2 to Takeo province, effective from 12:00 am tonight, according to the Takeo provincial administration’s letter dated on Tuesday. “In order to facilitate transportation and contribute to improving…

Japan’s Ruling Party Congratulates PM Hun Sen for Winning Election

Source: FN Japanese Liberal Democracy Party Secretary-General Toshihiro Nikai sent a congratulatory letter to Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen dated on 8 August 2018. “I heartily congratulate you on your party’s overwhelming victory in the general election,” Nikai wrote in the letter. “I would like to express my profound respect to your leadership that has…

Only 8 Minutes to Locate Cyber Insult on Facebook: PM Hun Sen

Source: FN Prime Minister Hun sen and President of the Cambodian People’s Party stressed that those who insulted on Facebook could be tracked down within eight minutes, addressing to 18,467 workers from 14 factories in Kampong Speu Province on Wednesday. Prime Minister Hun Sen confirmed that the management of the National Security Administration is strong…