Title “Oknha” or Armed Force Position, Says PM Hun Sen

Source: FN Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen has ordered all armed forces, including police, military officials, and military police to choose between having the title “Oknha” or serving as armed force, according to CPP spokesman Chhim Phal Virun. Prime Minister’s order was made at the CPP Central Committee Meeting, held Thursday at the Diamond Island.…

Cambodia Commits to Peacekeeping Mission to See Victimized Countries Enjoy Peace: Head of National Defense

Source: FN Cambodian Minister of National Defense Tea Banh, representing Prime Minister Hun Sen, said on Friday that Cambodia has fully prepared to send her blue berets to participate in peacekeeping mission in war-torn countries across the world, addressing at the homecoming ceremony of 382 repatriated peacekeeping force after completing mission in Mali and South…

PM Hun Sen Presents Five Potential Features to Invest in Cambodia

Source: FN Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen informed investors and business people five potential reasons to invest in Cambodia, speaking at the Sri Lanka-Cambodia Business Forum, held Wednesday at the Sofitel Phnom Penh. The five potential features include: First, political and macro-economic stability: after 1979, Cambodia worked very hard, using one hand to prevent the…