No Banning of China’s Flights to Cambodia: PM Hun Sen

Source: FN Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen confirmed Thursday that the Kingdom will not ban any flights from China despite the Coronavirus, speaking at the briefing on Coronavirus held at the Peace Palace. According to the premier, Cambodia will not ban flights or ban imports from China nor deport the Chinese citizen having Coronavirus from…

Press Briefing on Novel Coronavirus related Pneumonia in Cambodia [Unofficial Translation]

[…] Let me take this opportune moment to appeal on a number of points as followed:
• […] firstly, do not overreact the truth because it would waste your time in fulfilling your works. We could evade any infectious viruses by exercising hygiene and sanitation in our way of living, eating, traveling and working, etc. […],
• […] secondly, we must provide people with true information […] let me affirm once again that the credible source of information must be the Ministry of Health, which is the leading institution in charge of providing information on this matter. It is not the quick reaction unit (of the Council of Ministers) or the Ministry of Information, or other institutions […],
• […] thirdly, state institutions, private companies, factories, enterprises, markets, Buddhist pagodas, mosques, and churches, etc. must continue their normal functioning […],
• […] fourthly, schools must focus attention in providing confidence for pupils. Parents and/or supervisors continue to send their children to schools. Schools of every levels must make sure they are on strict hygiene and sanitation […],
• […] fifthly, (people) must have their masks on wherever necessary […],
• […] sixthly, masks sellers should not take this chance to increase prices […] I am calling on factories to produce masks and sell to the state or to help people in need (of masks) […],
• […] seventhly, must ensure normal functioning without discrimination against tourists and/or transportation services of every kinds – air and water that are in direct connections with the airport, hotel and other transportation sector […],
• […] eighthly, Cambodian diplomats, consular officers, and students who are working and/or studying in China, those in Wuhan also included, must continue to stay there and join with the people of China to fight the disease […] as is said in our ancestors’ slogan “a friend in deed is a friend in need” […],
• There have been some requests and one of them has been for Cambodia to shut out flights from China to Cambodia. That was a measure requested to kill national economy and to place Cambodia-China relations in dismay […] actually, there is no need to even do so, China has already declared closing flights from their end already – not only from Wuhan to outside destinations but also in China […], and
• […] the second request has been to evacuate Cambodian students studying in China to Cambodia […] I said “no.” Should we do that, it is nothing different from sharing only happy time with them and leaving them in bad time […] there is no need to evacuate Cambodian students, diplomats, and/or consular officers (in China) to Cambodia […]
Samdech Techo Hun Sen, Press Conference on the new coronavirus Situation in Cambodia, 30 Januray 2020

New Australian Ambassador Pays Courtesy Call on PM Hun Sen

Source: FN Pabio Chiho Kang, the new Ambassador of Australia to Cambodia, on Tuesday afternoon, paid a courtesy call on Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen at the Peace Palace Phnom Penh. The ambassador pledged to further enhance the bilateral cooperation between Australia and Cambodia, especially in the areas of trade and investment, according to Eang…

PM Hun Sen Urges to Strengthen Cambodia-Cuba Ties

Source: FN Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen urges to implement agreements signed by Cambodia and Cuba in the past to promote better relations and cooperation between the two countries. Premier Hun Sen received a courtesy call from the newly appointed Cuban Ambassador to Cambodia Liurka Rodriguez Barrios at the Peace Palace on Tuesday morning. Eang…

PM Hun Sen Hopes Vietnam Invests More in Cambodia

Source: FN Cambodia’s Prime Minister Hun Sen is optimistic that Vietnamese investors will continue to invest in Cambodia to further expand trade between Cambodia and Vietnam, speaking at the Vietnamese New Year’s celebration dinner at Sokha Phnom Penh Hotel on Friday. On behalf of the Royal Government of Cambodia, Prime Minister Hun Sen commended the…