Selected Off-the-Cuff Speech to the Graduation of Education Inspectors, Teachers Trainers and Pedagogical Students [Unofficial Translation]

1 […] The Royal Government refocused (human resource) to the first angle (of the four priorities) two terms already. The fifth term RGC from 2013 through to 2018, we have rearranged order of priorities from “water/irrigation, roads, electricity, human resource” to “human resource, water/irrigation roads and electricity” […] budget allocation according to policies (means) we are preparing budget in accordance with focused priorities […] to have better human resource, training of teachers is the fundamental factor […]

2 […] we will continue to invest in education […] both in school construction and livelihood of teachers […] to look back briefly, we have made a rather fast step from where we were […] this is an era of technology economy, digital age, it requires us to make further efforts in human resource training […]

3 […] after the liberation from Pol Pot’s regime […] those who taught and those who were taught had had a knowledge gap between one or two classes […] we did everything we could to retrain our teachers […] as of now, the standard (of teachers’ training) is 12+2 (12 years of general education plus two years of pedagogical training). We will go for 12+4 in the near future […] almost every teachers recruited after the fall of Pol Pot’s regime went into retirement […]

4 […] I thank the government of the People’s Republic of China for taking care of the Cambodian students who are living there, including the 23 students in Wuhan. They are in good health. It is quite unimaginable that some bad people spread fake news that one of the students died. It was so unfortunate. Let me ask those who did this, what would they get in return from their fake news? They even fake news that I am sick (from) CoVid-19 […]

5 […] get back to MS Westerdam cruise ship […] I continue to pose this question that if Cambodia were to turn them away, what would be the fate of the over 2,000 passengers aboard the ship? I call that a humanitarian crisis on the Westerdam […] the majority of the Cambodian population supported this decision (to allow them in). Our partners and friends abroad and in international organization supported our humanitarian gestures. However, a group of people blamed us for bringing diseases into the country. Let me ask if anyone Cambodian infected (by this CoVid-19) […]

6 […] has anyone passenger/tourist staying in Cambodia been sick? None. We take high responsibility for wellbeing of our people and of passengers that we allowed to get off board. We have certified inspection of their health with the expertise of the Pasteur Institute, plus that of the World Health Organization (WHO) that was with us. As for what happened in Malaysia […] I think the WHO and the ship owner, as well as the Ministry of Health (of Cambodia) must find out with Malaysia […]

7 […] I have taken my responsibility as an implementer of humanitarian principle for citizens of other states/countries because we are member of the United Nations, of the World Health Organization […] it is a job that we should do, must do, and we have done it […]. It is a humanitarian obligation, a moral responsibility and solidarity to resolve regional and world challenges from CoVid-19 […]

Samdech Techo Hun Sen, Diploma Presenting Ceremony for Graduated Teachers and Teachers Trainers, 18 February 2020

UNWTO Sends Letter of Appreciation to PM Hun Sen

Source: FN Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Zurab Pololikashvili, yesterday, sent a letter of appreciation to Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen to convey deep appreciation for the humanitarian response of the Royal Government of Cambodia to allow Westerdam cruise ship to dock on Cambodia’s territory. “I would like to express my most heartfelt…

Extensive Excerpt of Welcoming Statement to MS Westerdam Tourists at the Seaport of Preah Sihanouk [Unofficial Transltion]

• […] The real sickness in the region and the world has been ones of fear and discrimination […] this is no time for fear or discrimination but time for solidarity to resolve challenges (of CoViD-19) which has been threat not only to one but many countries […]

• […] Should there be CoViD-19 on the ship, would Cambodia allow docking? I am replying aptly […] I will allow docking the soonest possible […] could we leave infected human dying on the ship? […] that would be responsibility of the world as well as us responsible members of international community […]

• […] Cambodia upholds responsibility on respect of human rights, first of all right to life, and in this case more than 2,000 people from 41 nationalities on the ship […] Cambodia is doing for them now works relating to human right respect – right to life, right to no discrimination, and right to return to their countries safely […]

• […] I am giving those of you on board to leave for excursions to the province of Preah Sihanouk, or some may want to go to Siem Reap, and we will facilitate them with every facilities we may have – four planes of Cambodia Airways, for instance, to help deliver them […]

• […] Hotels, restaurants in Preah Sihanouk province should not discriminate against and be fearful to tourists because of this (sickness). If they are infectious, I am the first to get it. I strongly hope that the Cambodian people will exercise high responsibility as a contributor to promoting right to life, right to free travel and to no discrimination […] Cambodia has not got much wealth as other countries but we have got heart to save those people stranded at sea on the cruise ship […]

Samdech Techo Hun Sen, Statement during the Welcome of Westerdam Cruise Ship docking at Sihanouk Autonomous Port, 14 February 2020

PM Hun Sen Personally Greets Passengers of WESTERDAM

Source: FN Cambodia’s Prime Minister Hun Sen arrived Sihanoukville port on Friday morning, 14 February, to welcome passengers of Westerdam cruise. The premier personally greeted the passengers; shook hands; and presented bouquets of roses as they disembarked the ship for the bus to airport. He also addressed to compatriots on granting entry for the docking…