Selected Off-the-Cuff Speech at the Inauguration of the National Road 58 [Unofficial Translation]

[…] I wish to take this opportune moment to affirm that it is not that I will end my role in one day or two days or by 2023. I have an ambition to continue in the post of Prime Minister through to 2028 or even after 2028 […] I hope that our people will continue to vote for the Cambodian People’s Party in the 2022 communal elections and the general elections in 2023 […]

[…] The 174 Km national road 56 from the city of Poi Pet on national road 5 through to the city of Samraong of Uddar Meanjei plays very important role in my efforts to fulfil two goals at one time. After the implementation of the win-win policy, I issued two goals for the country’s development […] firstly, transforming former battlefields into market and development places. Secondly, transforming borderlines with neighboring countries into one with peace, friendship, cooperation, and development […]

[…] in time of peace, everyone looks to China for assistance. In times of disaster, everyone seemed to have distanced from China. HM the King of Cambodia and HRH the Queen Mother sent messages sharing China’s hardships and contributed a sum of money […] showing Cambodia’s heart. I did what the Khmers say – “a friend indeed is a friend in need” […]

[…] We have put into operation three of the four b

Neth Panha, [26.02.20 17:26]
order passes […] we needed to sell goods to Thailand. Thailand needed to sell goods to Cambodia. More than we did to Thailand. We needed construction materials […] raw materials […] fuel from Thailand […]. I discussed with HE Prayuth Chan-ocha (Prime Minister of Thailand) to put into operation the O Nieng pass to connect special economic zone by transportation into Thailand […]

[…] agricultural machineries […] where did they come from? It is because we have peace and our people have made efforts as a family, a community, a state. The state provided a facilitation to impose no tax on agricultural land […] I continue to declare that after 41 years that we imposed no tax on agricultural land, and if the Cambodian People’s Party continues to be in power, it would be even 100 more years, we will not impose tax on agricultural land […]

[…] some analysts say (Cambodia) abandoned the US and Europe for China. I already affirmed that I am abandoning no one. I need all the friends I could make. Some have been too extreme. While the US is also doing business with China, why do they hate China so much? It is an unrealistic politics. (If they) follow this political path, (they) cannot be Cambodian leaders. Cambodia makes international relations irrespective of political regimes. As of now, we have diplomatic relations with over 170 countries […]

Samdech Techo Hun Sen, Inauguration of National Road 58 from Poi Pet to Somroang, 26 February 2020

Selected Off-the-Cuff Lecture to the Graduation and Diploma Presenting Ceremony for the Royal School of Administration [Unofficial Translation]

• […] Ego leads to devastation for officials […] ego and lack of moral on people, would lead to people’s detests of leaders […] there is this saying “the standing up rice panicle shows no graining, bowing panicle certifies graining.” Once you are polite and friendly to people, you will have their loves as there is a saying “staying to make people like, and leaving to make people miss” […]

• […] in any circumstances that factories production suspended because of interrupted supply of raw materials due to spread of Covid-19, (workers of factories suspended productions) would receive in all 60% of their salaries – 40% comes from the factories and 20% comes for the Royal Government. In case the factories closed down, workers would receive 120 USD per month for six months […]

• […] While pursuing the task of dealing with force majeure, there comes two types of officials. Firstly, those who report to senior levels and blame those junior level officials. We must send them to school or put them in certain jobs that requires no high-level responsibilities […] there is this other type of officials who tried to fulfil their tasks and shared bad and good time with those junior level officials […] this kind of officials must reward with higher appointments […]

• […] In leadership and working methodology, it is primarily to organize a good and workable plan ratifying every aspects around. You may refrain from organizing plans that are too ambitious to implement. With a good plan, you needed to set for implementation. As I said earlier, the two steps are not yet suffice. We must be preparing to respond to what might happen besides what we planned […]

Samdech Techo Hun Sen, Diploma Presenting Ceremony of the Royal School of Administration, 25 February 2020

China, US and Europe Are All My Friends, Says PM Hun Sen

Source: FN Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen claimed that China, the United States, and countries in Europe are all his friends and friends of Cambodia indiscriminately. The premier’s statement came after a number of analysts, including Meas Nee, a social and political commentator, said that prime minister is biased towards China and leaving US and…

PM Hun Sen to BBC: Allowing Westerdam to Dock Is Humanitarian Act, Not Diverting Attention

Source: FN Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen reiterated that the decision to allow entry for Westerdam cruise ship to Cambodia was a purely humanitarian gesture, not seeking nor diverting attention. He responded to BBC Southeast Asia correspondent Jonathan Head’s judgmental statement against Cambodian leader’s decision. “Cambodia’s Hun Sen saw the Westerdam as an opportunity… by…

PM Hun Sen: Malaysia Shall Be Responsible for Humanitarian Crisis and Cambodia’s Honour

Source: FN Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen said Malaysia shall be responsible for humanitarian crisis and Cambodia’s honour after claiming that the 83-year-old American woman aboard Westerdam ship tested positive with Covid- 19. The premier said the announcement of Malaysian deputy prime minister has created subsequent discriminations against tourists departing from Cambodia, speaking on Monday…