Audio-Message Concerning Large-Scale Vaccination Campaign with Intervention from Doctors at National Level [Unofficial Translation]

To His Excellency, Lok Chumteav, Governors, Mayor of Cities, In the immediate time, we will need to carry out large-scale vaccinations campaign, with the intervention of doctors from the national level. According to our plan, we should be providing at least 1 million doses of vaccines per month, because the vaccines either from purchasing or…

Excerpt from the Audio-Message for the Launch of 15-Day AstraZeneca Vaccination Campaign for the Citizen Aged 60 and Over in Phnom Penh [Unofficial Translation]

To Lok Chumteav Or Vandine, His Excellencies, Lok Chumteav, Ladies, and Gentlemen in the ad-hoc commission in charge of administering vaccinations as well as hospitals and compatriots! The February-20 community event has so far lasted a month and has yet stopped. We have managed the situation better in Sihanoukville, but Phnom Penh and part of Kandal are…

Remarks at “The Birth Centenary of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and the Golden Jubilee of the Independence of Bangladesh”

Honorable Md. Abdul Hamid, President of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Honorable Sheikh Hasina, Prime Minister of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Excellencies, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen! Today, I am very honored and delighted to deliver, on behalf of the Royal Government and people of the Kingdom of Cambodia, congratulatory message on the commemoration…

Excerpt from the Audio-Message on the Appointment of Lok Chumteav Or Vandin as the Person in Charge of Anti-Covid-19 Vaccination [Unofficial Translation]

His Excellency Mam Bunheng (Minister of Health), Excellencies, Lok Chumteavs, Ladies and Gentlemen, Leaders of the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Economy and Finance, Ministry of National Defense, Ministry of Interior and other Relevant Departments! So far, the procurement process (or search for) vaccines has been in full swing. At the same time, the vaccination…

Excerpts of a Special Audio-Message on Converting Two Hotels into Hospitals to Treat Covid-19 Patients and Allow Military Doctors to Help Civilian Doctors [Unofficial Translation]

To Samdech Pichey Sena Tea Banh, His Excellency Mam Bun Heng, His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces, Commanders of the Army! Working all along, we have run out of strength, in addition to the rise of new diseases, and our civilian doctors are not just doctors for the treatment of Covid-19,…