Excerpt of Statement on Acquiring and Using Rapid Tests among Ministries/Institutions and Armed Forces in the Meeting of the Council of Ministers [Unofficial Translation]

I would like to speak to members (of the Council Ministers Meeting today) about the quick test device and use of this device. Initially I wanted to issue a circular. However, later I think it is not necessary because we have a cabinet meeting to which with all the members of the government (are present).…

Cambodia’s First Gold Refining Starts Off on June 21, 2021 in O’Khvav, Keo Seima District, Mondulkiri Province

Today, Cambodia started the first gold refining in O’Khvav area, Keo Seima district, Mondulkiri province. On the morning of June 21, 2021, the Royal Government of Cambodia, with the Ministry of Mines and Energy as an operator, celebrated the opening ceremony of the first gold refinery operation spearheaded by the Renaissance Minerals (Cambodia) Limited in…