PM Hun Sen Thanks Chinese Leaders for Congratulating Cambodian People’s Party over Election Victory

Source: FN Soon after receiving congratulatory letters from Chinese leaders, President Xi Jinping and Prime Minister Le Keqiang, Prime Minister Hun Sen, president of the ruling Cambodian People’s Party, sent separate thank-you letter to the Chinese leaders. “I feel very pleased and touched to receive your excellency’s cordial congratulatory message soon after it became apparent…

PM Hun Sen Says Rainsy Hacks His Facebook Account

Source: FN Addressing to 15,000 workers from 17 factories in Phnom Penh on Wednesday, Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen announced to the public that the convicted Sam Rainsy, former opposition leader, hacked his Facebook account. “They can’t do anything, so they hacked my account; I hope that this cyber crime will be condemned by the…

Selected Off-the-Cuff Speech at the Get-together of Workers/Employees at the Commune of Khmuonh, Khan Sen Sok [Unofficial Translation]

CPP Wins the Elections, Meetings with Workers/Employees Continue I have a great pleasure to meet you all as I have promised from before the elections. I said to workers and employees that should the Cambodian People’s Party win the elections, I would continue to meet with workers/employees once the elections were over. Should the Cambodian…

PM Hun Sen Announces Free Access to National Road No. 21

Source: FN Prime Minister Hun Sen announced to allow free access for people traveling on National Road No. 21 connecting Daun Keo city to National Road No. 2 to Takeo province, effective from 12:00 am tonight, according to the Takeo provincial administration’s letter dated on Tuesday. “In order to facilitate transportation and contribute to improving…