Selected Extempore Speech at the Groundbreaking Ceremony of Phase IV Project for Flood Protection and Drainage Improvement of Phnom Penh [Unofficial Translation]

Thank the Government and People of Japan I am so happy to be present here in the Sangkat Chadomuk of Khan Daun Penh with HE Ambassador (Hidehisa Horinouchi and JICA Cambodia office President Sugano Yuichi) and our compatriots to launch the groundbreaking ceremony today for the phase-iv project of flood protection and drainage improvement (FPDI…

Cambodian PM Hun Sen to Meet Local Artists Nationwide, 6th March

Source: FN Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen announced that he will host the solidarity meal for local artists nationwide on 6th March 2019 to celebrate National Culture Day. The statement was made on Monday at the Phnom Penh flood protection and drainage improvement project groundbreaking ceremony under the Japanese aids, which he co-chaired with Japanese…

Protectionism Impacts Regional Trade, Says PM Hun Sen

Source: FN Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen said Saturday that protectionism by certain mega-powers countries has led to troubled multilateral trade system not only in the region but the world at large, speaking in the opening ceremony of the 7th RCEP Intersessional Ministerial Meeting held on the land of Angkor in Siem Reap province, the…

Every Country Needs Foreign Investment, Says PM Hun Sen

Source: FN Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen stated that every country in the world requires foreign investment to develop economy; however, he wondered why some Cambodian people want to chase the Chinese investors away, addressing Friday in Tbong Khmum province at the inauguration ceremony of the USD 50-million “Cambodia-China Friendship Tbong Khmum Hospital” under the…

China Does Not Control Cambodia, Says PM Hun Sen

Source: FN Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen solemnly declared that Cambodia is not under China and that China shall never dominate the kingdom. The statement was made Friday in Tbong Khmum province at the inauguration ceremony of the USD 50-million “Cambodia-China Friendship Tbong Khmum Hospital” under the Chinese aid. “First, Khmer will never allow China…