Cambodia’s Sihanoukville to Have International Conference Center to Host ASEAN: PM Hun Sen

Source: FN Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen announced to construct an international conference center in coastal province Sihanoukville to host ASEAN Summit and related meetings in late 2022, speaking Friday at the groundbreaking ceremony of Phnom Penh-Sihanoukville Expressway, which he co-chaired, with Chinese Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Kong Xuanyou in Kompong Speu province. “I…

Government Spends US$100M in 2019 on Affected Communities of Infrastructure Development: PM Hun Sen

Source: FN The Royal Government of Cambodia has spent USD 100 million for the affected communities resulted from the development of infrastructure projects nationwide, according to Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen. “Just the first three months of 2019, I already spent USD 100 million for affected communities as compensations,” Prime Minister addressed Friday at the…

Cambodia to Host SEA Games in May 2023

Source: FN Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen said that Cambodia will host the 32nd SEA Games in May 2023, addressing Friday at the groundbreaking ceremony of Phnom Penh-Sihanoukville Expressway which he co-chaired with Chinese Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Kong Xuanyou in Kompong Speu province. “We will host SEA Games in May 2023 before the…

Selected Extempore Speech at the Graduation and Diploma Presenting Ceremony of the Asia-Europe University [Unofficial Translation]

Internal Factors Determined Successes As in 1970, even though there were foreign influences, should Lon Nol, Sarik Matak, Cheng Heng, and In Tam not collude, there could not have been a coup. Take the present situation into consideration, for instance, foreigners could give us ideas and assistance but would anyone think that we would be…

PM Hun Sen Urges to Speed Up Legal Cases for Female in Jail

Source: FN Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen urged the Ministry of Justice, relevant institutions, and his lawyers team to speed up the trials of female detainees and pardon pregnant women in jails, addressing at the graduation ceremony of Institute of New Khmer Generation at National Institute of Education on Monday. Prime Minister Hun Sen expressed…

Selected Extempore Speech at the Graduation and Diploma Presenting Ceremony at the Khmer New Generation Institute (NKGI) [Unofficial Translation]

Human Resource Training and Development to Respond to Job Markets Demands (While having your attention on providing short courses of skill training) I do not mean we ignore bachelor and other postgraduate degrees […] we must see that we have not got sufficient number of technicians and people with sophisticated skills training to respond to…

Selected Extempore Speech at the Opening of the Fifth River Festival Held in Kompong Chhnang Province [Unofficial Translation]

Welcome Delegations from Thailand and Vietnam, and Indonesia My wife I are happy to take part with all of you in celebrating the Fifth River Festival themed “River Connecting Peace, People, and Tourism.” I wish to extend my warm welcome to national and international guests for their presences, and companies that cooperate with the province…

PM Hun Sen Asks for People’s Understanding on Power Outages

Source: FN Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen has appealed to all citizens and businessmen to understand the issue of power cut due to natural factors and urged for temporary usage of private electric generators, addressing at the 5th River Festival held Saturday in Kampong Chhnang province. “We wait for Turkey to bring the vessels loaded…