Remarks at the Closing of the 36th Health Conference

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, and Distinguished local and International Guests All Participants! Today, I am delighted to attend the closing of this important 36th Health Conference held for the last two days. Indeed, this conference has provided all of us a chance to review the achievements, opportunities and challenges to work together on formulating and…

Selected Impromptu Comments at the Graduation and Diploma Presentation Ceremony of the University of Agriculture at Chamka Daung [Unofficial Translation]

50th Founding Anniversary and 30th Reopening Anniversary of RUA-Chamka Daung I am so happy to be able to join all of you, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen on the occasion of this graduation and diploma presenting ceremony for 1639 students of the Royal University of Agriculture at Chamka Daung (RUA – Chamka Daung). I am grateful…