Speech given by the Prime Minister on national and international occasions, review conference, etc. in English and in Khmer

Selected Comments at the Inauguration of Sections of the National Rod 5 and 6, and the Groundbreaking Ceremony of Sections between the Provincial Town of Siem Reap and Poi Pet, the National Roads 76 and 68

Two days after the Water Festival, Samdech Hun Sen went to the province of Seam Riep to inaugurate and to launch the groundbreaking ceremony of roads 5 and 6, and 76 and 68, etc. where he talked about roads achievements, road 48 and rails in the framework of ACMECS, and the cooperation between CPP and…

Selected Comments at the Conference to Review the 2003-2005 Achievements in Education, Youth and Sports, and to Set the Targets for 2005-2006

Samdech Hun Sen attended and gave a speech at the opening of the conference that reviews the 2003-2005 achievements in the field of education, youth and sports of Cambodia. He also made comments on how education was restored after the fall of the Khmer Rouge, efforts to improve educational infrastructure and human resources, and on…