Updating the List of Poor and Vulnerable Families to Receive ” Cash Transfer Program for Poor and Vulnerable Households during Covid-19 “

I recently announced the “Cash Transfer Program for Poor and Vulnerable Households during Covid-19.” To ensure that poor people who are really struggling to get support from the government, it is extremely important that we are updating the list of the poor and vulnerable families during the fight against this disease. This work is almost…

June 24th – RGC to Officially Launch Campaign of “Cash Assistance for Poor and Vulnerable Families During Covid-19” [Unofficial Translation]

Our compatriots and nieces/nephews workers! […] Even though I could not come meet you in person at your working locations or factories/enterprises, my thought is always with you, my compatriots. Of course, the Covid-19 epidemic spread across the world has had major impacts on our economy. As a consequence, some nieces/nephews have been laid off,…

Selected Off-the-Cuff Speech at the Gathering of Civil Servants and Technicians Teams Involved in Building Infrastructures of the Province of Preah Sihanouk [Unofficial Translation]

In 7 Months, 94% of 34 Roads Constructed My presence here today is mainly to inspect results of physical infrastructural development in the city of Preah Sihanouk. This morning we also had a form of meeting in the time of Covid-19 […] with someone talking from behind and those of us listening sitting in front…

Facebook Message on Permission for over 200 Cambodian Workers/Inmates Return from Malaysia to Cambodia [Unofficial Translation]

I thank the Cambodian nieces/nephews in Malaysia for their understandings in our country’s efforts to prevent spreading Covid-19 in Cambodia. To this day, Cambodia and the whole world are actively fighting against Covid-19. And so far, the world has not found the cure for this deadly disease. The Royal Government would thank the over 200…

A Message on People’s Health protection Foundation – Key Policy Combatting against the Viciously Infectious Disease (of CoViD-19) Unofficial Translation

Dear compatriots! In defense, we have this people’s foundation policy for national defense that connects the people with the armed forces. This time, in the fight against the Covid-19 epidemic, we are again committed to the backliners joining together in protecting people’s public health and curbing the spread of this devastating disease. For the contribution…