Selected Impromptu Comments at a Crossing Point along the Cambodia-Vietnam Border in Commemoration of the Commencement of 40 Years Ago to Overthrow the Pol Pot’s Regime (2) [Unofficial Translation]

Ready to Commit Suicide Should Vietnam Arrest and Send Back to Cambodia The point where I left Cambodia was there but symbolically we are standing here. It was at this point that I stood turning back to see my native country and thought what a fate – I left home at 13 years old to…

Selected Impromptu Comments at the Inauguration of Primary and Junior Secondary School of Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen – Kratie City [Unofficial Translation]

Sub-national Authority and Education Officials to Inspect Wobble School Buildings … I am seeking your understanding that we have overlooked the school building situation putting you parents and teachers in concerns of students’ safety. Before us is an old school building left from those ones we pulled down to make way for new ones. They…

Selected Impromptu Comments at the Asia-Pacific Regional Early Childhood Development Conference [Unofficial Translation]

Excellencies, National and International Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, Today, I am honored and pleased to join the opening of the Asia-Pacific Regional Early Childhood Development (ECD) Conference, held in the Kingdom of Cambodia. At the outset, I would like to extend my warm welcome to Excellencies, distinguished national-international guests and all participants to this…

Speech Delivered by Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia and President of the Cambodian People’s Party at the Ceremony in Commemoration of the 38th Anniversary of the 7-January Victory (7 January 1979 – 7 January 2017)

Revered Samdech Buddhist Patriarchs, Samdech Preah Sangha Raja, Buddhist monks Samdech, Excellencies, Ladies, Honored National and Foreign Guests Dear Member of the Meeting and Beloved Compatriots, 7 January 1979 was the historic victory of the Cambodian people in overthrowing the regime of Pol Pot’s genocide, ending the darkest period of Cambodia, and ushering in a…

Selected Impromptu Comments at the Opening of the 9th Plenary Session of Asian Parliamentary Assembly (APA): “Promoting Peace and Sustainable Development in Asia” [Unofficial Translation]

In addition to the prepared text, Samdech Techo Hun Sen gave following adlib comments on color revolution, instability in the Middle East, refugees, terrorism, etc. It Is Time to Assess Color Revolution A moment ago, HE President of the Senate of Pakistan raised a number of recently emerging issues. I would like to take this…

Selected Impromptu Comments at the Presentation of “Peace and Development Award” Presented by Union Media of ASEAN (UMA) [Unofficial Translation]

For Competitors, Am Just a Dictator I rejoice to receive the Award of Peace and Development presented by the Union Media of ASEAN (UMA). I deeply thank UMA for choosing me for this award. I have listened closely to the speeches of HE Khieu Kanharith, Minister of Information, and Mr. Prasit Sangrungrueng, UMA Secretary General,…