Selected Impromptu Comments at the Ground-breaking Ceremony to Rebuild National Roads 2 & 22 [Unofficial Translation]

• … in 1987 or 33 years ago, I proclaimed four priorities for investment – water/irrigation, road, electricity/power, and human resource […] in 1993, up to the present, we have changed its order to focus as number one on human resource training […] the four priorities have been fundamentally correct for the past 33 years, and, I think, will be so for the next 33 or even 100 years […]

• … according to the study, the (Jroy Jangva-Svay Jrum) bridge would cost anywhere between 40 to 50 million USD […] in between 2019 through to 2023, (Republic of) Korea has package of 700 million USD for Cambodia […]

• … governor of Preah Sihanouk province Kuoch Chamroeun filed a report about a Dutch tourist, on a visiting cruise ship, being quarantined for high temperature […] we are waiting for results from the lab to certify if he is or is not infected with novel coronavirus. If he is, he would have to stay for treatment in Cambodia until he fully recovered […]

• As in weeks to come, some factories may close down because supplies from China would not be coming on time, please do not link this matter to economic sanction from the European Commission. Whether the sanction happens or not […] it will be in August […]

• … on the forthcoming 14 March 2020, there will be the ASEAN-US Summit in Las Vegas. Let me inform Cambodians in America that I will be arriving in Las Vegas on 12 March. I may have time for golf on 13 March […] on 14 March, it will be the Summit. On 15 March, I will meet with Cambodians before I will be leaving on 16 March. I think I will meet with the US President Donald Trump […]

Samdech Techo Hun Sen, Groundbreaking Ceremony for Improvement Project of the NR 2 and NR 22, 11 February 2020

Launching the Constructions of the USD 294 Million 34 Roads/Streets in the Province of Preah Sihanouk [Unofficial Translation]

Reconfiguring and Reconstructing Infrastructures in Preah Sihanouk Province […] in general, we have noticed that old infrastructures are now unable to support our traffic needs. We need to reconfigure and rebuild them […]  I called Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance to discuss about the possibility of spending about USD 100 million to rebuild…

Selected Joint Press Briefing by Samdech Techo Hun Sen and Prime Minister of LPDR HE Thongloun Sisoulith [Unofficial Translation]

Prime Minister Samdech Techo Hun Sen [1]: HE Prime Minister Thongloun Sisoulith His Excellency, Ladies, Gentlemen, Reporters Elevating Trusted Strategic Comprehensive Partnerships Today is an historic development in the relations between the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) and the Kingdom of Cambodia. What we have done on this day, I should emphasize, is that…

Selected Extempore Speech at the Opening of the Fifth River Festival Held in Kompong Chhnang Province [Unofficial Translation]

Welcome Delegations from Thailand and Vietnam, and Indonesia My wife I are happy to take part with all of you in celebrating the Fifth River Festival themed “River Connecting Peace, People, and Tourism.” I wish to extend my warm welcome to national and international guests for their presences, and companies that cooperate with the province…

Selected Off-the-Cuff Comments at the 7th National Day on Clean City for 2018 “A Clean City: A City of Hospitality” [Unofficial Translation]

In addition to prepared text, Samdech Techo Hun Sen made comments on the following topics, which CNV provides unofficial translation: Wi-Fi without Internet Access Relating to this Wi-Fi thing, let me have your attention that what we have done on this project in Phnom Penh does not seem to be effective. Usually, traveling to places…