Excerpts of the impromptu speech of Samdech Techo Hun Sen, President of the Senate and Chairman of the Supreme Privy Council at the conference on “Cambodia’s Future without Genocide: Protection and Response through Education and Healthcare”​ [Unofficial excerpts and translations]

[1] (1) Measures to provide protection, traffic in addition to security during each hearing required to select the Army Command as the tribunal court to try Khmer Rouge leaders I should point out a bit as to how did we decided on the location of the Khmer Rouge trial here […] when the agreement between…

Selected Impromptu Speech to the Graduation and Diplomas/Certificates Presenting Ceremony at the Police Academy of Cambodia [Unofficial Translation]

Remarkable Efforts for Training and Retraining of Police Officials […] I have high appreciation for the efforts made by leaders and officials of the Police Academy of Cambodia (PAC) for making so much effort to achieve progress. I have a great appreciation for Samdech Krola Haom Sar Kheng as well as leaders of the Ministry…

Selected Off-the-Cuff Comments at the 7th National Day on Clean City for 2018 “A Clean City: A City of Hospitality” [Unofficial Translation]

In addition to prepared text, Samdech Techo Hun Sen made comments on the following topics, which CNV provides unofficial translation: Wi-Fi without Internet Access Relating to this Wi-Fi thing, let me have your attention that what we have done on this project in Phnom Penh does not seem to be effective. Usually, traveling to places…

Keynote Address at the Opening and Dinner Reception of Sixth “Xiangshan Forum” under the Theme “Security and Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific Region: Reality and Vision”

  Excellency General Fan Changlong Vice Chairman of Central Military Commission of the People’s Republic of China. Excellency General Chang Wanquan State Councilor, Minister of Defense of the People’s Republic of China. Excellency Admiral Sun Jianguo and Excellency Lieutenant General Gao Jin, Excellencies Leaders of the Asia-Pacific Region, Distinguished Participants of the 6th Xiangshan Forum!…