Selected excerpts from Samdech Techo Hun Sen’s off-the-cuff address at the ceremonial dinner with the Association of Nak Oknha/Oknha [Unofficial excerpts and translations]

(1) The position of Honorary President of the Association reflects a belief in the ability and leadership I am pleased to have been invited to be the Honorary President (of the Nak Oknha and Oknha Association – NOA) […] clearly, all of you have honored me with confidence in my abilities and leadership and that…

Selected Impromptu Comments on the Occasion of a Visit to the Handicap Soldiers Development Centre at Ta Ken Koh Sla, Chhouk District, Kompot Province [Unofficial Translation].

Today, my wife and I, together with other leaders have come here once again to conduct our annual visit. Last year we came in June. This year we came late. However, late is better than never. We are here today to greet achievements that we have realized – fences of the school and pagoda. With…

Selected Impromptu Comments at the Inauguration Ceremony of the SOS Children’s Village in O’Russey District, Kratie City, Kratie Province [Unofficial Translation]

Welcome and Thank SOS Children’s Village International I am so glad today that we meet here together to put into official use of the Cambodian SOS Children’s Village in the province of Kratie. It is indeed a motivated feeling to see more achievements mushrooming on our land as is stipulated by Mr. Siddhartha Kaul, President…

Selected press briefing during the visit to the construction site of the traffic intersection and overpass at Stoeng Meanjei, Phnom Penh

Visiting the construction site of intersection roads and overpasses at Stoeng Meanjei, southern part of Phnom Penh, Samdech Techo Hun Sen gives press briefing to journalists on the recent developments regarding the elections, the rumors on his whereabouts after the election, the need for preparation for flood threat and the readiness for dialogue to resolve…