Selected Impromptu Comments in Addition to the Prepared Text on Outlook Conference 2015 – ASEAN Economic Community 2015 and Beyond: Reform Agenda

First of all, I am asking for your understanding concerning the changing of schedule. I planned to read this speech in the morning. However, since we had this protocol to accompany their Majesties to have a medical checkup in the People’s Republic of China, I then proposed two options – 1) I would send someone…

Speech at the Opening of the International Investment Conference 2014 Under the Theme of: Cambodian – New Era of Opportunity “Growth, Change and ASEAN Integration”

Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, Today I am delighted to attend the opening of the International Investment Conference 2014 held under the theme of Cambodia: New Era of Opportunity “Growth, Change and ASEAN Integration” which is organized by the International Business Chamber of Cambodia. This event is indeed Cambodia’s first biggest international investment conference held in…