Selected Impromptu Comments at the Graduation and Diploma Presenting Ceremony of the BELTEI International University [Unofficial Translation]

Cambodian Human Resource – Ready for AEC I am glad to preside over the graduation and diploma presentation ceremony of our students at the BELTEI International University (BIU) and the inauguration of the new 15 storey BIU building. HE Ly Chheng, rector of the BIU has made a report on the development of this foundation…

Speech on the Occasion of the Launch of the National Strategy for Food Security and Nutrition 2014-2018

Excellencies Ambassadors, Distinguished National and International Guests, Representatives of Development Partners Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, Today it is my great pleasure to attend the launch of the National Strategy for Food Security and Nutrition 2014-2018 which is organized by the Council for Agricultural and Rural Development in collaboration with relevant ministries-institutions and development partners.

Selected Extempore Comments at the Dissemination Workshop on National Strategy for Food Security and Nutrition 2014-2018 [unofficial Translation]

In addition to prepared speech in the dissemination workshop on National Strategy for Food Security and Nutrition (NSFSN) Samdech Techo made comments on a number of issues: Percentage of People Living Below Poverty Line In addition to the prepared text, I wish to say a few things in relation to issue of nutrition and the…

Selected Impromptu Comments during the Inauguration of the 100-MW Coal-Powered Electric Station in Preah Sihanouk Province and the 230-KV Power Transmission Line from Phnom Penh to Kampong Cham

Cambodia’s First Coal-Fired Power Station Today, I am so happy to be in the province of Preah Sihanouk once again to put into official use the 100 MW coal fired station and, taking this opportune moment, to inaugurate from here the 230 KV power transmission line from Udong of Kompong Speu to the province of…

Selected Briefing of the Appeal by Prime Minister Samdech Techo Hun Sen to Microfinance Institutions and Informal Moneylenders on Flood-Affected Borrowers Situation (Unofficial Translation)

Opening the Cabinet’s meeting at the Peace Building, Council of Ministers, Prime Minister Samdech Techo Hun Sen makes a brief announcement of his appeal to banks, microfinance institutions and informal moneylenders in Cambodia to show leniency to flood-affected debtors by not foreclosing on their houses or lands and to provide them with more loans.

Address and Selected Impromptu Comments at the Closing of the Annual Conference of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 2012-2013 and Direction Setting 2013-2014

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, Distinguished National and International Guests, Teachers, Students and all Participants! Today, I am very pleased to participate in the Closing of the Annual Conference of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 2012-2013, and Direction Setting 2013-2014, and inaugurate an academic building located in the campus of the Royal University of…

Speech At the Inauguration of the National Council for Green Development and the Dissemination of the National Policy on Green Development and National Strategic Plan on Green Development 2013-2030

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, Distinguished National and International Guests, Today, I am pleased to attend the “Inauguration of the National Council for Green Development and the Dissemination of the National Policy on Green Development and National Strategic Plan on Green Development 2013-2030”.