Excerpts of impromptu speech of Samdech Techo Hun Sen, President of the Senate, at the inauguration of the school building and various achievements in the premises of Wat Preah Indra Samaki Dhamma, Kraing Makak Commune, Angsnuol District, Kandal Province [Unofficial excerpts and Translations]

(1) Growth achieved thanks to leadership, resources and human wisdom I would like to express my appreciation to Samdech Vong Aneta who led (the effort to build) this monastery on behalf of Samdech Sangharaja Bur Kry […] even though it started in a difficult situation, we could see that the effort has been successful. In…

Excerpts from the Off-the-Cuff Speech of Samdech Techo Hun Sen at the Presentation of Diplomas to the Graduates of Asia-Europe University

(1) Digital Technology Widely Used in Education; the Country Fully Reopened; Students Prioritized for Vaccination; Disables Reaped Benefit from Education  Today, I am thrilled to be present at the Asia-Europe University graduation ceremony, which we had not been able to organize for the past two years. As I said last week, with the crisis that…

Selected Off-the-Cuff Lecture to the Graduation and Diploma Presenting Ceremony for the Royal School of Administration [Unofficial Translation]

• […] Ego leads to devastation for officials […] ego and lack of moral on people, would lead to people’s detests of leaders […] there is this saying “the standing up rice panicle shows no graining, bowing panicle certifies graining.” Once you are polite and friendly to people, you will have their loves as there is a saying “staying to make people like, and leaving to make people miss” […]

• […] in any circumstances that factories production suspended because of interrupted supply of raw materials due to spread of Covid-19, (workers of factories suspended productions) would receive in all 60% of their salaries – 40% comes from the factories and 20% comes for the Royal Government. In case the factories closed down, workers would receive 120 USD per month for six months […]

• […] While pursuing the task of dealing with force majeure, there comes two types of officials. Firstly, those who report to senior levels and blame those junior level officials. We must send them to school or put them in certain jobs that requires no high-level responsibilities […] there is this other type of officials who tried to fulfil their tasks and shared bad and good time with those junior level officials […] this kind of officials must reward with higher appointments […]

• […] In leadership and working methodology, it is primarily to organize a good and workable plan ratifying every aspects around. You may refrain from organizing plans that are too ambitious to implement. With a good plan, you needed to set for implementation. As I said earlier, the two steps are not yet suffice. We must be preparing to respond to what might happen besides what we planned […]

Samdech Techo Hun Sen, Diploma Presenting Ceremony of the Royal School of Administration, 25 February 2020

Selected Impromptu Comments at the Graduation and Diploma Presenting Ceremony of the National University of Management [Unofficial Translation]

Knowledge Economy … In relation to education, I have to say that we will continue to make efforts for our country to become one with abundance of human resource, where our economy will be knowledge-based and not a traditional one. Talking about food issue in the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, everyone seemed to…

Selected Elaborations during the Presentation of the Rectangular Strategy Phase III for the First Cabinet Meeting of the Royal Government in the Fifth Legislature of the National Assembly (Unofficial Translation)

In the course of presenting the Rectangular Strategy Phase III to the first Cabinet meeting, Samdech Techo Hun Sen made elaborations on various urgent matters that CNV made some selections and provided herewith its unofficial translation. Beware of Flood Threat and Impacts First of all I would like to welcome members of the new Cabinet…