Excerpt on special messages for the announcements of permission to hold weddings or religious ceremonies without limiting the number of people [unofficial Translation]

My thought and prayer to all venerable, The Board of Directors of Islam, the leaders of Christianity and other religions in the Kingdom of Cambodia and would like to inform our dear compatriots! (1) Consider the Size of Location, Large or Small, to Determine the Number of People Attending the Wedding, Plus Health Measures After…

Remarks at the Promulgation Meeting on “Mainstreaming Concept of Religious Ethics for Harmonization in Cambodia”

Venerable Samdech Preah Akka Moha Sanghareacheatepdei Tep Vong, Samdech Preah Moha Sanghareach of the Mahanikaya Order of the Kingdom of Cambodia Venerable Samdech Preah Apiserei Sokunthea Moha Sanghareacheatepdei Bour Kri, Samdech Preah Moha Sanghareach of the Dhammayuttika Order of the Kingdom of Cambodia, Venerable Samdech Preah Moha Sometheatepdei Noun Nget, the Head of the Buddhist Monks of…

Selected Impromptu Comments at the Graduation and Diploma Presenting Ceremony for the Buddhist Students and Teachers [Unofficial Translation]

National Institute of Education, 16 July 2015 Buddhist World Associated with Human Resource Training My esteem to Samdech Preah Agga Mahā Sangharājādhipati Tep Vong, Samdech Preah Abhiserey Sokunthea Mahā Sangharājādhipati Bour Kry, and Samdech Preah Maha Sometheadhipati Nun Nget, Samdech head and vice head monks of the Kingdom of Cambodia. Today I am so happy…

Speech During the Conversation with the 10th-16th Batch of Clergyman and Clergywomen and at the Opening of the Congress of the Khmer Clergy Association

Venerable Samdech Preah Akka Moha Sanghareacheatepdei Tep Vong, Samdech Preah Akka Moha Sanghareach of the Kingdom of Cambodia, Venerable Samdech Preah Apiserei Sokunthea Moha Sanghareacheatepdei Bour Kri, Samdech Preah Moha Sanghareach of the Dhammayuttika Order of the Kingdom of Cambodia, Venerable Samdech Monks, Senior and Junior Monks, Clergymen and Clergywomen, Excellencies, Neak Ouknha, Lok Chum Teav, Ladies…