Urgent and Special Message Regarding Positive Covid-19 Cases among Cambodian Workers Returning from Thailand [Unofficial Translation]

Manage Formal Border Crossings Points and Corridors; Suspend Transporting; Strengthen Quarantines My respect to the Holly Buddhist monks and dear compatriots Today, I have an urgent and special message to address the relevant parties as well as our people. The situation during the last two days, yesterday and today, on the Cambodian-Thai border (has had…

Selected Audio-Message Concerning Covid-19 Community Outbreak in Thailand and Preventive Measures against Community Transmission in Cambodia

Venerable Buddhist Monks, Dear compatriots, Today, I have an urgent message to our Buddhist monks and compatriots regarding the outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic in the communities in the Kingdom of Thailand, where there have been 576 infected in one day, and in one area. This situation in Thailand is not serious compared to its more…

Selected Off-the-Cuff Speech to Graduates of BELTEI International University and Launching the “Cambodia’s Hun Sen” Book [Unofficial Translation]

Education Liberalized since 1980s It is a great pleasure that after the celebration of Pjum Ben ceremony I am coming here to preside over the graduation for the 1,183 BELTEI International University’s students […]. On behalf of the Royal Government of Cambodia, I would like to take this opportune moment to express my appreciation for…

Selected Joint Press Briefing by Samdech Techo Hun Sen and Prime Minister of LPDR HE Thongloun Sisoulith [Unofficial Translation]

Prime Minister Samdech Techo Hun Sen [1]: HE Prime Minister Thongloun Sisoulith His Excellency, Ladies, Gentlemen, Reporters Elevating Trusted Strategic Comprehensive Partnerships Today is an historic development in the relations between the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) and the Kingdom of Cambodia. What we have done on this day, I should emphasize, is that…

Selected Impromptu Speech at the Meeting to Commemorate 10th Anniversary Addition of the 11th-Century Preah Vihear Temple and 1st Anniversary Addition of Sambo Prey Kuk Temple to the List of World Heritage Sites [Unofficial Translation]

A Memory of What We Went Through Ten Years Ago How are you? Will you take French (football team) or Croatian? Though we do not have the presence of the French Ambassador here, I wish to deliver the people and Government of France a chance to lift up the World Cup 2018, after they once…