PM Hun Sen Calls on Compatriots to Join Population Census

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen called on people to join General Population Census of Cambodia, which will start from 3-13 March 2019.

The statement was made Monday at the flood protection and drainage improvement project groundbreaking ceremony, which he co-chaired with Japanese Ambassador to Cambodia Horinouchi Hidehisa.

“I urge our people to cooperation with our census officials to provide the required information,” the Premier stated, adding that, “all the government officials, regardless of ranks and positions, must join the census.”

According to the premier,...Read More

Why Would I Shutdown Facebook? I Use It Too: PM Hun Sen

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen reiterated that his Facebook page was hacked and a fake message posted, speaking Monday at the flood protection and drainage improvement project groundbreaking ceremony he co-chaired with Japanese Ambassador to Cambodia Horinouchi Hidehisa.

“Why would I shutdown Facebook? I use it too,” the Premier stated, adding that Facebook brings huge benefits if used correctly.

“Hacking my account is a cybercrime, which the world condemns,” he warned.

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen’s Facebook page “Samdech Hun Sen, Cambodian Prime Minister”...Read More

Only 15-min Required to Dismiss Government Officials: PM Hun Sen

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen reminded all government officials to be highly responsible for their duties and warned that it takes only 15 minutes to dismiss any official.

Prime Minister said that every officer must carry out his duties and always take two motives and five approaches.

“We have two motives – internal interferences and make friends based on our independence and sovereignty – combined with five approaches for better governance – self-reflection, showering, exfoliation, treatment and surgery,” Cambodian Strongman underlined.

“To dismiss official,...Read More

Cambodian PM Hun Sen to Meet Local Artists Nationwide, 6th March

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen announced that he will host the solidarity meal for local artists nationwide on 6th March 2019 to celebrate National Culture Day.

The statement was made on Monday at the Phnom Penh flood protection and drainage improvement project groundbreaking ceremony under the Japanese aids, which he co-chaired with Japanese Ambassador to Cambodia Horinouchi Hidehisa.

According to the Primer, Cambodia celebrates National Culture Day every year on 3 March to serve as the remembrances for the invaluable arts left by...Read More

PM Hun Sen Converts Asian Economy into Core Economic Polar thru RCEP

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen accentuated the changes of geopolitics and global economic multi-polar as well as the significance of the RCEP initiative to convert Asian economy into a core economic polar aimed at averting protectionism and the widespread negative impacts of trade war, according to the Ministry of Commerce dated Saturday.

“Cambodia and ASEAN Member States are highly committed to adherence to multilateral regime and international cooperation and remain industrious in uplifting multilateral trading system which is open as a basis...Read More

Protectionism Impacts Regional Trade, Says PM Hun Sen

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen said Saturday that protectionism by certain mega-powers countries has led to troubled multilateral trade system not only in the region but the world at large, speaking in the opening ceremony of the 7th RCEP Intersessional Ministerial Meeting held on the land of Angkor in Siem Reap province, the well-known historical center of Cambodia.

“At this moment of the world today, the multi-lateral trade system, which has free and open features, is in tough situation facing serious threats,...Read More

Every Country Needs Foreign Investment, Says PM Hun Sen

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen stated that every country in the world requires foreign investment to develop economy; however, he wondered why some Cambodian people want to chase the Chinese investors away, addressing Friday in Tbong Khmum province at the inauguration ceremony of the USD 50-million “Cambodia-China Friendship Tbong Khmum Hospital” under the Chinese aid.

“Every country wants FDIs. When the Chinese come, I don’t know why some people want to chase them away,” the Premier questioned.

“The Chinese not only come to...Read More

PM Hun Sen Urges to Export 700,000 Tons of Cambodian Rice to China and Vietnam

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen recommended Minister of Agriculture and Minister of Commerce to maximize exports of Cambodian rice to China and Viet Nam that together granted a quota of 700,000 tons to Cambodia amid the reduced rice price in the kingdom.

The statement was made Friday in Tbong Khmum province at the inauguration ceremony of the USD 50-million “Cambodia-China Friendship Tbong Khmum Hospital” under the Chinese aid.

According to the Premier, Cambodia used to be the world’s hungriest country, today, however, Cambodia...Read More

China Does Not Control Cambodia, Says PM Hun Sen

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen solemnly declared that Cambodia is not under China and that China shall never dominate the kingdom.

The statement was made Friday in Tbong Khmum province at the inauguration ceremony of the USD 50-million “Cambodia-China Friendship Tbong Khmum Hospital” under the Chinese aid.

“First, Khmer will never allow China to control us; second, China never wants to dominate the Khmer,” the Premier spoke before Chinese Ambassador Wang Wentian.

“China’s foreign policy does not dominate anyone, but befriend all countries in...Read More

PM Hun Sen Denounces Warning to Close Facebook in Cambodia

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen denounced the “warning to close Facebook in Cambodia”; he affirmed that the message was posted by hackers on his page.

“My Facebook was hacked on Monday, and the warning message is not mine; it is from the criminal. I would like to denounce the case”, Prime Minister told Fresh News on Monday night.

“Facebook tries to eliminate my Facebook page. I, Hun Sen, would like to inform that if my Facebook page eliminated, the kingdom will not have...Read More

PM Hun Sen Warns against Nepotism

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen urged the ministries and institutions to tackle nepotism issue in their respective units; he appeals for recruitments of civil servants based on credentials, Chhim Phalvorun, senior advisor to Prime Minister Hun Sen, spoke in a press conference on Thursday.

The appeal was made in a meeting of Supreme Council for Consultations and Recommendations – a consultation forum between the government and political parties – at the Peace Palace.

“Civil servants shall not be recruited from family members or...Read More

PM Hun Sen Orders to Remove Sihanoukville Military Commander and Deputy Governor

Source: FN

Cambodian Premier Hun Sen ordered to remove Sihanoukville military commander and deputy governor for leading a violent raid, using excessive force against villagers during clashes on land issue in Prey Nop district, Sihanoukville late January.

The order was made on Thursday in a meeting of Supreme Council for Consultations and Recommendations – a consultation forum between the government and political parties – at the Peace Palace.

...Read More
