Karma Is Real for Wicked Politicians: PM Hun Sen

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen stated that politicians who cursed others to die are cowards and shall not be politicians, addressing Monday at the graduation ceremony of over 3,000 graduates from the Royal University of Law and Economics (RULES).

“Some people have cursed me to die, but the one who curses often go before me,” the Premier stated.

“They do not adhere to ethical principle. Karma is real; they will die themselves,” he added.

Even though he did not specify the name, it is...Read More

PM Hun Sen Urges to Solve Water Crisis

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen appealed for local authorities, particularly water resource ministry, to solve water crisis in the dry season, addressing Monday at the graduation ceremony of over 3,000 graduates from the Royal University of Law and Economics (RULES).

“We still face water crisis this dry season. Digging well is better than water distribution,” Prime Minister stated.

Prime Minister also urged farmers to do only one-time farming in dry season and reserve water for daily usage and for watering other crops besides...Read More

PM Hun Sen Calls on Nationwide Participation in Population Census, Important for National Development

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen called on compatriots to join General Population Census of Cambodia, which will start from 3-13 March 2019, addressing Monday at the graduation ceremony of over 3,000 graduates from the Royal University of Law and Economics (RULES).

“I urge our people to cooperate with our census officials to provide the required information,” the Premier stated, adding that, “people of all walks of lives, regardless of ranks and positions, must join the census.”

According to the Premier, the census will...Read More

PM Hun Sen Urges Lifetime Imprisonment on Rapists

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen appealed for a lifetime imprisonment on rapists, addressing Monday at the graduation ceremony of over 3,000 graduates from the Royal University of Law and Economics (RULES).

His appeal was made after his late Sunday’s visit to Afesip Tumdy, a rehabilitation centre for rape victims based in Phnom Penh’s Prey Sar commune.

Prime Minister also considered amending the Constitution to allow capital punishment on rapists; however, it requires referendum, a nationwide vote.

“I consider constitutional amendments on death penalty for...Read More

PM Hun Sen Orders to Arrest Drug Ringleader in Rock Entertainment

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen ordered interior ministry to search for drug ringleader at Rock Entertainment, addressing Monday at the graduation ceremony of over 3,000 graduates from the Royal University of Law and Economics (RULES).

“I hope that the Ministry of Interior and the court will take serious actions on the issue [drug raid at Rock], and ensures no such things happen again,” said the Premier.

Prime Minister highly appreciated authorities for the timely obstruction on drug, the issue that destroys the future...Read More

Cambodian PM Hun Sen Considers Death Penalty on Rapists

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen announced to consider amending the constitution to allow capital punishment on rapists, however, it requires referendum, a nationwide vote.

The announcement was made during the Premier’s visit on Sunday morning to Afesip Tumdy, centre based in Phnom Penh’s Prey Sar commune, which rehabilitates victims of trafficking, rape, and domestic violence.

“I consider constitutional amendments on death penalty for those who rape their children and grandchildren. This is just my thought,” Prime Minister stated before about 45 volunteers and...Read More

Afesip Girls Are Victims, not Prostitutes: PM Hun Sen

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen urged no discriminations against girls and young ladies at Afesip Tumdy, centre based in Phnom Penh’s Prey Sar commune, which rehabilitates victims of trafficking, rape, and domestic violence.

The announcement was made in the Premier’s visit to the center Sunday morning, accompanied by Cambodia First Lady Bun Rany, a humanitarian worker serving as President of Cambodian Red Cross.

“Girls and young ladies here are victims who did nothing wrong,” Prime Minister underlined.

“They [victims] are innocent. Now they can...Read More

PM Hun Sen and Wife Vow to Be Backbone for Anti-rape Center Afesip Tumdy

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen and his Wife Bun Rany vowed to be the backbone for Afesip Tumdy, centre based in Phnom Penh’s Prey Sar commune, which rehabilitates victims of trafficking, rape, and domestic violence.

The announcement was made in the Premier’s visit to the center Sunday morning, accompanied by Cambodia First Lady Bun Rany, a humanitarian worker serving as President of Cambodian Red Cross.

“I will be your strong supporter. This center [ Afesip] will not close,” Prime Minister pledged before about...Read More

PM Hun Sen Builds Three-storey Building for Anti-rape Center Afesip Tumdy

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen decided to fund a three-storey-24-room building to Afesip Tumdy, centre based in Phnom Penh’s Prey Sar commune, which rehabilitates victims of trafficking, rape, and domestic violence.

The decision was made in the Premier’s visit to the center Sunday morning, accompanied by his wife Bun Rany Hun Sen, a humanitarian worker serving as President of Cambodian Red Cross.

Prime Minister hoped that the new building for Afesip Tumdy, where his wife Bun Rany Hun Sen visited yesterday, will assist...Read More

Cyclo Foundation Alive as long as I Lead: PM Hun Sen

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen reassured cyclo drivers nationwide that the Cyclo Foundation will forever live as long as he continues to be Prime Minister, addressing in a breakfast meeting with over 300 cyclo drivers at Koh Pich.

“If Hun Sen no longer be Prime Minister, I can say it [Cyclo Foundation] will dissolve,” he stated, adding that: “If you don’t need me, why would I continue. Let the other do.”

Prime Minister Hun Sen initiated Cyclo Foundation on 12 January 2018. The...Read More

PM Hun Sen to Fund a Building for Anti-rape Center Afesip Tumdy

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen announced to fund a building to Afesip Tumdy, centre based in Phnom Penh’s Prey Sar commune, which rehabilitates victims of trafficking, rape, and domestic violence.

The statement was made in a breakfast meeting with over 300 cyclo drivers on Friday at Koh Pich.

Prime Minister hoped that the new building for Afesip Tumdy, where his wife Bun Rany Hun Sen visited yesterday, will assist women in distressing situations, those who were victims of rape by family member, including...Read More

Free Health Treatment for Cyclo Drivers, PM Hun Sen Announces

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen called on all state-run hospitals to provide free medical care to cyclo drivers nationwide, addressing in a breakfast meeting with over 300 cyclo drivers at Koh Pich.

“All the state-run hospitals shall provide free healthcare to members of Cyclo Foundation,” said the Premier, adding that “we can not apply this condition to the private hospitals.”

Cyclo Foundation was initiated by Prime Minister Hun Sen in early January 2018 as the new year’s gift announced in a meeting with...Read More
