PM Hun Sen Pledges Sharp Economic Reforms for Better Investment Climate

Source: FN

Speaking at the 4th Cambodia-Korea Business Forum at the Peace Palace on Friday, Prime Minister Sen expressed his commitment to introduce sharp measures at the 18th Government-Private Sector Forum to be held at the Peace Palace on 29 March 2019.

The Premier stated that at the 18th Royal Government-Private Sector Forum, he will introduce detailed sharp measures on: (1) promoting competitiveness of Cambodian economy; (2) enhancing and promoting investment and business environment; (3) diversifying the national economy and creating more quality jobs...Read More

PM Hun Sen Calls on Korean Investors to Learn about Potential Investment in the Kingdom

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen, on Friday, called on the private sector and Korean investors, who have not been in Cambodia, to learn about the potential investment opportunities and invest in Cambodia, addressing at the Cambodia-Korea Business Forum at the Peace Palace on Friday.

“Cambodia is one of the most open country in the region that provides opportunities to local and foreign investors, including Korean investors,” Premier Hun Sen spoke before President Moon.

Cambodia is one of the fastest-growing economies in the world...Read More

PM Hun Sen to Visit Asia and Europe to Sell Khmer Products

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen announced that he will travel to Asia and Europe to seek market for Khmer products, addressing at the annual meeting of Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries on Thursday.

Cambodia shall not depend solely on a single market. “We will never let anyone congest our nose. This year, I will travel to Asia and Europe to bring our products there,” the Strongman pledged, adding that: “We will expand market to the Middle East.”

According to Head of the...Read More

Cambodian PM Hun Sen Seeks Job Markets in S. Korea, Talks with Moon

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen will hold talks with South Korean President Moon Jae-in to seek job markets for Cambodian products, addressing at the annual meeting of Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries on Thursday.

“I will dine with him [President Moon] this evening and I will request him to purchase our products,” Premier stated.

Cambodia shall not depend solely on a single market. “We will never let anyone congest our nose. This year, I will travel to Asia and Europe to bring...Read More

PM Hun Sen Orders Long-term Water Reservoir in Koh Kong

Source: FN

Royal Government of Cambodia decided to build a long-term water reservoir to supply water in Koh Kong, a southwest coastal province of the kingdom, under the coordination of tycoon Ly Yong Phat, according to Head of the Government Hun Sen on Wednesday.

The water supply site will open construction amid water crisis, while Thailand’s Trat province will temporarily supply water to Koh Kong.

“We must address water crisis in Koh Kong. Now Thailand will provide water to people in Koh Kong. We will...Read More

Council of Ministers Auto Dissolved If Kingdom Loses PM, Says PM Hun Sen

Source: FN

Cambodia’s Council of Ministers would be automatically dissolved if the kingdom lost Prime Minister, Strongman Hun Sen stated Wednesday in a meeting with over 13,000 garment workers in Koh Kong province, southwest of the kingdom.

If there is no Prime Minister, Cambodian Council of Ministers would be dissolved, as we do not have rights to appoint an Acting Prime Minister, the Premier Hun Sen stated pointing to the Constitution.

Prime Minister further explained that in case of the definitive vacancy of Prime Minister’s...Read More

Cambodia-Thailand to Set Up Border Factories to Reduce Illegal Migrant Workers

Source: FN

The Royal Government of Cambodia and the Government of Thailand have agreed to establish factories at Cambodia-Thailand border, aimed at reducing illegal migrant workers to Thailand, according Cambodia Premier Hun Sen in a meeting with more than 13,000 workers from seven factories in Koh Kong province on Wednesday.

“We will create special economic zones to provide jobs to workers without the need to cross borders,” stated the premier.

Head of the Royal Government pledged to cooperate with neighboring countries like Thailand, Vietnam, and...Read More

Focus on Jobs and Income, Not Incitement and Propaganda, PM Hun Sen Tells Workers

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen on Wednesday again reminded workers that as long as ones have jobs, ones do not have to care about the ill-intended agenda, propaganda, and incitement of the opposition groups, addressing in a meeting with over 13,000 garment workers in Koh Kong province, southwest of the kingdom.

“If you [workers] have jobs and incomes, do not care about what others say,” said Prime Minister Hun Sen.

“Do not listen to the propaganda of the deceitful groups; they did not...Read More

PM Hun Sen to Hunt and Sue Cyber Insults

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen warned against Facebook users who insulted him, addressing to more than 13,000 workers from seven factories in Koh Kong province on Wednesday.

“I received at least 30 insults on Facebook,” said Prime Minister Hun Sen.

“I will sue those who insulted me for at least USD 2 million compensation. If you are abroad, your assets in the kingdom will be confiscated, sold, and donated to orphans,” he warned.

According to the Premier, those who insulted him are members of...Read More

Zero Tolerance on Drug Case at Rock Entertainment: PM Hun Sen

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen announced Tuesday that the drug case at the Rock Entertainment Center is a serious case that shall not be tolerated, addressing at the annual meeting of Health Ministry.

“We must crack down the case and arrest the drug ringleader at any cost,” said Prime Minister Hun Sen.

The Strongman also announced to destroy the backbone of the drug criminals.

“I will destroy any official who engage in drug despite any post they hold,” the Premier underlined saying drug destroys...Read More

PM Hun Sen Meets Vice Chairman of International Friendship Exchange Council

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen held talks on Tuesday at the Peace Palace with Japanese delegation headed by Norio Yamaguchi, Vice Chairman of International Friendship Exchange Council (FEC), established in 1983 to promote the private-sector cooperation between Japan and the globe.

Norio highly commended the kingdom’s rapid growth compared to his last visit in 2016. Head of the delegation also applauded the Cambodia-Japan Comprehensive Partnership.

Prime Minister informed Nario and all the delegates that the government’s top priority is human resource development and...Read More

Too Much Criticisms from Opposition, Bad for National Unity: PM Hun Sen

Source: FN

Addressing Monday at the graduation ceremony of over 3,000 graduates from the Royal University of Law and Economics (RULES), Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen deeply regretted the dissolved oppositions’ criticisms on his beer cheer with cyclo drivers during a solidary breakfast on 8 March in Koh Pich.

The critics said it is not good to promote beer in the kingdom. In response, the Premier said too much criticisms make it hard for Khmer to reunite.

“I was criticized by just chitchatting with cyclo...Read More
