PM Hun Sen Urges Understanding from Affected Communities of Phnom Penh-Sihanoukville Expressway

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen urged for understanding from the affected communities of Phnom Penh-Sihanoukville Expressway addressed Friday at the groundbreaking ceremony in Kompong Speu province.

He also urged people not to demand over the market price, but take the suitable compensations from the government.

The government contributes 30 per cent of the compensations and the rest is responsible by the project owner. If people fail to cooperate, laws will be the effective measure, the Premier underlined.

“When the nation needs compatriots, ones must...Read More

Government Budget Is for Roads and Schools, not for New Cars: PM Hun Sen

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen announced that under his leadership, the government reserved budget for the development of roads, bridges, and schools, not changing cars for his officials, speaking Friday at the groundbreaking ceremony of Phnom Penh-Sihanoukville Expressway, which he co-chaired, with Chinese Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Kong Xuanyou in Kompong Speu province.

“To members of the governments and governors serving Hun Sen’s administration, never request for budget for the new cars. Just drive what you had,” the Premier stated.

Prime Minister...Read More

Cambodia’s Sihanoukville to Have International Conference Center to Host ASEAN: PM Hun Sen

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen announced to construct an international conference center in coastal province Sihanoukville to host ASEAN Summit and related meetings in late 2022, speaking Friday at the groundbreaking ceremony of Phnom Penh-Sihanoukville Expressway, which he co-chaired, with Chinese Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Kong Xuanyou in Kompong Speu province.

“I requested for the Chinese assistance to build an international conference center to host ASEAN summit in 2020, as we already hosted ASEAN twice in Phnom Penh,” the Premier stated.

Prime...Read More

Government Spends US$100M in 2019 on Affected Communities of Infrastructure Development: PM Hun Sen

Source: FN

The Royal Government of Cambodia has spent USD 100 million for the affected communities resulted from the development of infrastructure projects nationwide, according to Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen.

“Just the first three months of 2019, I already spent USD 100 million for affected communities as compensations,” Prime Minister addressed Friday at the groundbreaking ceremony of Phnom Penh-Sihanoukville Expressway, which he co-chaired, with Chinese Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Kong Xuanyou in Kompong Speu province.

“The government contributes 30 per cent of the...Read More

Cambodia to Host SEA Games in May 2023

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen said that Cambodia will host the 32nd SEA Games in May 2023, addressing Friday at the groundbreaking ceremony of Phnom Penh-Sihanoukville Expressway which he co-chaired with Chinese Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Kong Xuanyou in Kompong Speu province.

“We will host SEA Games in May 2023 before the elections. We do so for better electoral organizations and the creation of the new government,” the Premier said.

He hoped that Phnom Penh-Sihanoukville expressway, scheduled to complete in March 2023,...Read More

China Does Not Control Cambodia; China Will Never Do So in Foreign Policy: PM Hun Sen

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen reiterated that China does not come to control Cambodia; and that dominating other countries is not China’s foreign policy, addressing Friday at the groundbreaking ceremony of Phnom Penh-Sihanoukville Expressway in Kompong Speu province.

“I want to emphasize that Cambodia will not allow China to control Cambodia. I may say that China is not willing to do so in its foreign policy,” Premier Hun Sen spoke before Kong Xuanyou, Chinese Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs.

“There are some countries...Read More

PM Hun Sen Urges to Speed Up Legal Cases for Female in Jail

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen urged the Ministry of Justice, relevant institutions, and his lawyers team to speed up the trials of female detainees and pardon pregnant women in jails, addressing at the graduation ceremony of Institute of New Khmer Generation at National Institute of Education on Monday.

Prime Minister Hun Sen expressed doubts over the tight space at detention centers. He found out that two-thirds were there for pre-trial detentions.

“Many cases have yet tried. I give priority to poor women,” stated...Read More

PM Hun Sen Asks for People’s Understanding on Power Outages

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen has appealed to all citizens and businessmen to understand the issue of power cut due to natural factors and urged for temporary usage of private electric generators, addressing at the 5th River Festival held Saturday in Kampong Chhnang province.

“We wait for Turkey to bring the vessels loaded with electric generators for temporary supply until the rainy season comes […] Cambodia depends on hydropower; now we face water shortages. In this regard, I encourage everyone to use...Read More

PM Hun Sen Urges Provinces to Promote Tourist Sites

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen urged all relevant authorities to develop tourism sector, particularly make Kampong Chhnang an attractive tourist destination, addressing at the 5th River Festival held Saturday in Kampong Chhnang province.

“All provinces shall use their unique attractions to mobilize tourists. In Kampong Chhnang, some places can be transformed into tourist sites,” the Premier stated.

Prime Minister Hun Sen confirmed that number of tourists in Sihanoukville province has declined, but it is a positive sign due to the emerging of new...Read More

PM Hun Sen Orders to Prevent Sand Dredging, Illegal Fishery, and Submerged Forest Logging

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen ordered all ministries and relevant institutions to prevent sand dredging, illegal fishing, and logging of submerged forest, addressing at the 5th River Festival held Saturday in Kampong Chhnang province.

“We shall find ways to address bank erosion and shallowing of river; prevent anarchic dredging, illegal fishing, and submerged forest loggings. These are factors leading to our river degradation and decrease of tourists,” Prime Minister stated.

Prime Minister further explained that the submerged forests are the habitats of fishes...Read More

PM Hun Sen: Peace Is Priceless

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen reminded compatriots the priceless value of peace, addressing at the 5th River Festival held Saturday in Kampong Chhnang province.

“We shall see the value of our hard-earned peace and win-win policy,” stated the Premier, adding that “Without peace, we could not perform anything; don’t even expect tourists! Even in our shelter, we gotta move on a regular basis.”

According to Prime Minister, Kampong Chhnang, 30 years ago, was a war zone between his army and the Khmer Rouge...Read More

Kampong Chhnang-Kampong Thom to Connect under 57km Roads and Bridges

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen announced to approve the construction of 57km roads and bridges connecting Kampong Chhnang’s Komgpong Leng district to Kampong Thom province’s Stung Sen, addressing at the 5th River Festival held Saturday in Kampong Chhnang.

According to Prime Minister, the bridge connecting the two provinces will be the longest bridge in the kingdom with a length of 3,900m crossing three rivers, including Phsar Krom, Chroy Bos, and Kompong Hau. He continued that the bridge will not affect the water...Read More
