PM Hun Sen Recommends Eight Policies to Ensure Labor Rights in Cambodia

Source: FN

Prime Minister Hun Sen, on Thursday, recommended eight policies to ensure labor rights in Cambodia in accordance to international conventions, speaking at the 100th Anniversary of the establishment of International Labor Organization (ILO) at the Peace Palace Phnom Penh.

The eight policies include:

First, guarantee labor rights, working conditions, and international labor conventions ratified by Cambodia. The government considered labor rights the respect to human rights. Better Factories Cambodia was created in 2001 as a unique partnership between the UN’s International Labour Organization...Read More

99% Cambodian Employed, 10M Labor Forces, Says PM Hun Sen

Source: FN

At least 99.3 per cent of Cambodian people are employed, an equivalent to 10 million labor forces, Prime Minister Hun Sen said Thursday at the 100th Anniversary of the establishment of International Labor Organization (ILO) at the Peace Palace Phnom Penh.

According to Head of the Royal Government, the kingdom has more than 50,000 public officials, nearly 1.5 million formal employees, and approximately 2.4 million informal employees; over 4 million are agricultural laborers; 1 million are working overseas.

Cambodia joined the International Labor...Read More

PM Hun Sen Recommends Five Policies for Cambodia Education

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen recommended five policies for the development of Cambodian education sector, addressing Wednesday at the annual meeting of Education Ministry.

The five policies include:

First, ensure that quality education is inclusive, equitable, and quality; promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. At the same time, efforts should be made to promote and expand children’s education programs and enable children to study for at least nine years in schools with clean and hygienic environment. Continue to provide scholarships to outstanding students,...Read More

PM Hun Sen to Deploy More Teachers Nationwide

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen announced to allocate larger budget to the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sport to increasingly deploy teachers nationwide in response to retired teachers, addressing Wednesday at the annual meeting of Education Ministry.

“The government’s priority is to recruit more teachers, train them, and deploy them nationwide to substitute the retired teachers,” the Premier stated.

The Royal Government will continue to consider the increase of salaries and incentives to teachers and teaching staff, and mobilize resources from all private-sector...Read More

PM Hun Sen Urges Reasonable Price on Electric Generators

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen urged electric generator salespeople to ensure reasonable price during the electricity crisis, addressing Wednesday at the annual meeting of Education Ministry.

“This year, we have faced extreme electricity cut off. I urge the salespeople not to charge too much on supplying electric generators,” the Premier stated.

The electricity shortages Cambodia faces resulted from the booming of construction sector, the increase of 700% in 2019 compared to last year. Cities in the capital Phnom Penh, Siem Reap, and Sihanoukville...Read More

PM Hun Sen: Cambodia Needs Turkish Electricity Supply for Three Years

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen stated that the Turkey’s electric-generating vessel will arrive Cambodia tomorrow for the three-year term supply, addressing Wednesday at the annual meeting of Education Ministry.

In response to Cambodia’s temporary electricity crisis during the dry season, Electricite du Cambodge Director-General Keo Rattanak led a delegation to visit Turkey and bring back the 200MW electric-generating vessels.

According to the Premier, the electricity shortages Cambodia faces resulted from the booming of construction sector, the increase of 700% in 2019 compared to...Read More

PM Hun Sen Urges Water Catchment

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen called on citizens to catch rain by using reservoirs and urged the authorities to solve water crisis for people facing crisis, speaking at the graduation ceremony of Phnom Penh International University on Monday.

“The rain will not last long. Everyone should catch rainwater and use it later during water shortages,” said Prime Minister Hun Sen.

Prime Minister stated that no countries could control weather.

“The kingdom faces drought, other countries attacked by flood.”

According to the Ministry of Water Resources,...Read More

PM Hun Sen Urges W&D Factory to Welcome Back Former Workers

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen urged W&D (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. to accept 100 of its employees to return to work, speaking Monday at the graduation ceremony of Phnom Penh International University.

“I urge W&D to welcome back their former employees,” the Premier spoke before 1,245 graduates.

He also advised garment workers not to demand too much, as incited by some groups [CCAWDU].

Prime Minister Hun Sen urged president of the Coalition of Cambodian Apparel Workers’ Democratic Union Ath Thun to stop pushing workers to...Read More

Only Those Rehabilitated Can Re-enter Politics, PM Hun Sen Announces

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen reminded the dissolved opposition that only those rehabilitated by the King could re-enter politics; the rest will face lawsuits, speaking Monday at the graduation ceremony of Phnom Penh International University.

“Those [former members of the dissolved CNRP] who have not yet been rehabilitated could not do politics. Opposing the Supreme Court’s verdicts is a serious crime,” he warned.

He further informed that those who did not request for their rights will have to wait until 2022 to re-enter...Read More

Rainsy Should Not Repatriate through Border, PM Hun Sen Warns

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen warned former opposition leader in exile Sam Rainsy not to repatriate to the kingdom through border, speaking Monday at the graduation ceremony of Phnom Penh International University.

“You [Rainsy] shall understand that every border usually has bunkers, guns, and mines. It’s dangerous to come through border,” the Premier stated.

He stated that it is also hard for Rainsy to choose which border gate.

“Viet Nam and Laos are not good choices, as Rainsy are not going along well with...Read More

Cambodia Spends US$15M on Tanks for Peacekeepers in Mali; UN Budget Runs Low

Source: FN

Cambodia signed a USD 15 million budget for purchasing tanks for the kingdom’s peacekeeping forces to Africa’s Republic of Mali under the United Nations framework, according to Prime Minister Hun Sen.

The Premier said the UN budget is running low that the kingdom decided to contribute to UN peacekeeping operations, addressing Monday at the graduation ceremony of Phnom Penh International University held at National Institute of Education in Phnom Penh.

Prime Minister said that Cambodian peacekeepers are not just peacekeeping operators but also...Read More

Cambodia Welcomes All Investors, Says PM Hun Sen

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen extended warm welcome to all investors to invest and conduct business in the peaceful and democratic kingdom, speaking Friday at the groundbreaking ceremony of Phnom Penh-Sihanoukville Expressway, which he co-chaired with Chinese Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Kong Xuanyou in Kompong Speu province.

“I never rejected any foreign partners. We take loans from all of our partners. Don’t say we are pro-China when the Chinese invested in us. Every investor is welcomed,” said the Premier.

“We welcome investors...Read More
