Cambodia Wishes Other Nations Not Dollarized: PM Hun Sen

Source: FN

As a peace contributor and civilization connector, Prime Minister Hun Sen said Cambodia does not want to see other countries dominated by excessive USD currency as much as Cambodia was in the past.

The statement was made Monday at the inauguration of the first-ever national monetary museum, “Preah Srey Icanavarman Museum” standing near the Old Market in Phnom Penh, not too far from the National Bank of Cambodia.

In terms of peace contribution, Cambodia has dispatched more than 5,000 troops under the framework...Read More

Cambodia Dollarized by UNTAC: PM Hun Sen

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen stated that the presence of United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC) in 1992–93 brought too much dollars that negatively affected the kingdom’s economy, speaking Monday at the inauguration of the first-ever national monetary museum, “Preah Srey Icanavarman Museum” located near the Old Market in Phnom Penh.

“UNTAC did not pay taxes; they imported goods and sold all over the markets. The kingdom faced economic hardship back then,” the Premier stated.

Prime Minister recommended other hosts of peacekeeping...Read More

Expensive Khmer Riel Is Bad for 1M Workers Remunerated by USD, Says PM Hun Sen

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen, on Monday, stated that when Khmer Riel currency is too high, it is not good for 1 million workers whose salary is remunerated in USD, speaking Monday at the inauguration of the first-ever national monetary museum, “Preah Srey Icanavarman Museum” located near the Old Market in Phnom Penh.

Prime Minister urged the National Bank to balance the value of Khmer Riel and USD.

According to the Premier, Khmer Riel value usually increases in March and April before Khmer...Read More

Cambodia Inaugurates National Monetary Museum

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen, on Monday, chaired the inauguration of the first-ever national monetary museum, “Preah Srey Icanavarman Museum” standing near the Old Market in Phnom Penh, not too far from the National Bank of Cambodia.

“Preah Srey Icanavarman Museum” presents the history of Khmer monetary since the Funan era. The Museum aims to contribute more actively in raising awareness among Cambodian people to better understand Cambodian monetary in all periods; particularly to promote Khmer Riel across the country to strengthen...Read More

Cambodia to Build One Hydropower and Two Solar Farms, 200MW

Source: FN

Cambodia decided to build one more hydropower and two more solar farms that will produce 200MW energy in total, according to the government’s decision made at the cabinet meeting on Friday at the Peace Palace.

The 80MW Stung Pursat hydropower project will be built in Pursat’s Veal Veng district. Government spokesman Phay Siphan said it will be the prioritized project, as it was included in the energy development master plan. The feasibility study on the above project began in 2010 and that...Read More

PM Hun Sen Demands Balance on Environment and Energy

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen called on effective policy formulation to ensure safe energy production with minimized impacts on environment, addressing at the cabinet meeting on Friday at the Peace Palace.

According to the Premier, environmentalists always block the construction of hydropower and energy production. He urged the green groups to balance between environmental conservation and energy security in response to human needs and Cambodia’s development.

The today’s cabinet meeting also discusses investment on the 80MW Stung Pursat hydropower project and 60MW hydropower...Read More

Cambodia’s Council of Ministers Discuss Draft Law on Oil Management and Others

Source: FN

The Council of Ministers of Cambodia met Friday at the Peace Palace to discuss Draft law on oil management and other agendas.

According to the government’s spokesman Phay Siphan, the today’s agendas include:

1. Draft law on oil and oil products management
2. Investment on the 80MW Stung Pursat hydropower project and 60MW hydropower project in Kompong Chhnang
3. Draft national policy on health studies
4. Request for approval from Council of Ministers for the ratifications on:
4.1 Agreement between Cambodia and Bangladesh...Read More

Cambodia Cancels Deal with Turkish Electric Ship

Source: FN

Cambodia decided to cancel the deal with Turkey’s electric-generating ship due to disagreement on some conditions, particularly the timely inconvenience, according to Prime Minister Hun Sen at the cabinet meeting on Friday at the Peace Palace.

The ship expects to arrive Cambodia in early May; otherwise, the deal will be canceled, Electricite du Cambodge (EDC) official once told Fresh News when Cambodia-Turkey reached the deal in mid-March.

According to EDC Director-General Keo Rattanak, the reserved budget for renting the Turkish ship will be...Read More

Cambodian Government to Provide 120 Free Bus Services for Khmer New Year

Source: FN

Cambodian government offers 120 buses for the general public to ride for free for a week from 12-18 April during Khmer New Year Festival, according to Prime Minister Hun Sen on Thursday at the solidarity meal with approximately 4,000 local athletes at Koh Pich.

Buses are set to run on the national highway. No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4, No. 5, No. 6, No. 7, No. 8.

...Read More

Cambodia Considers TPP If All ASEAN Members Join

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen announced that Cambodia would consider to join Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) if all ASEAN members reach consensus, speaking at the 18th Royal Government-Private Sector Forum held Friday at the Peace Palace.

Prime Minister Hun Sen stated that Cambodia should not depend on two or three big markets. The kingdom has started to diversify markets outside of the United States and Europe by negotiating bilateral trade agreements with Canada, China, Japan, Korea, and some countries in Africa. For the...Read More

PM Hun Sen Orders Commerce Minister to Consider Complaints to WTO on EU’s Tax on Rice

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen ordered commerce minister Pan Sorasak to consider on filing complaint to World Trade Organization regarding EU’s tax imposition on Cambodian rice, speaking at the 18th Royal Government-Private Sector Forum held Friday at the Peace Palace.

The order was made following the request from Cambodian Rice Federation (CRF).

“CRF requested for complaint to WTO […] the tax imposition is a violation against Cambodia,” stated the Premier.

The European Union has begun to impose import taxes on rice of Cambodia and...Read More

PM Hun Sen: Cambodia Earns $400M after Business and Investment Reforms

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen said that following the business and investment reforms, the kingdom’s private sector indirectly earns USD 400 million from cost effectiveness and that Cambodia could survive without EBA, speaking at the 18th Royal Government-Private Sector Forum held Friday at the Peace Palace.

“With the adjustment to our goods scanning procedure, our private sector could earn USD400 million from cost effectiveness. We can pay the tax if EU requires us to do,” said Prime Minister Hun Sen.

Prime Minister also...Read More
