PM Hun Sen Calls on Rubber Farmers "Patient" with Price Fluctuation

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen called on rubber farmers to be patient with the fluctuation of rubber price on the international market due to trade war, speaking at the Puthisastra graduation ceremony on Thursday.
“Now our rubber price is decreasing, yet our farmers should not change the plantations. Now that rubber price is falling, some farmers would want to demolish rubber trees, and replaced the fields with cashews; and then substituted them with other crops when the cashew price drops. This...Read More

Cambodian PM Hun Sen to Lee "Singaporean Leader Contributes to the Massacre of Cambodian People"

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen, on Thursday, strongly reacted to the statement of H.E. Lee Hsien Loong, Prime Minister of Singapore, dated 31 May 2019.
Through the Facebook post on Thursday, Prime Minister Hun Sen wrote:
“I am deeply regret to learn of the Facebook post of H.E. Lee Hsien Loong, Prime Minister of Singapore, on 31 May expressing his condolences on the passing of General Prem Tinsulanonda in which he said “His [General Prem] time as PM coincided with the...Read More

Cambodia to Host the UPF Asia Pacific Summit 2019

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen agreed to host Asia Pacific Summit 2019 of the Universal Peace Federation–UPF on 19-20 November 2019, speaking in a meeting with Jose de Venecia, president of the International Conference of Asian Political Parties (ICAPP) at the Peace Palace Phnom Penh on Thursday.
The first UPF Asia Pacific Summit 2018 was held in Kathmandu, Nepal from 30 November to 3 December 2018. The theme of the summit was, “Addressing the Critical Challenges of Our Time: Interdependence, Mutual...Read More

PM Hun Sen Urges Farmers to Grow Organic Rice for International Market Competition

Source: FN

Prime Minister Hun Sen urged farmers to grow crops organically using non-chemical fertilizers, addressing Thursday at the Puthisastra graduation ceremony.
The premier elaborated that by using non-chemical fertilizers, farmers will produce high-quality crops that are good for the competition in the Greater Meking Subregion (GMS).
“Every GMS country produces rice; India as well. But our organic rice has a market,” said Prime Minister Hun Sen.
Prime Minister pointed out that most farmers used chemical substances to produce high yields, which badly...Read More

Malaysia Becomes Largest Cambodian Rice Importer in ASEAN: PM Hun Sen

Source: FN

Malaysia has become the largest importer of Cambodian rice, Prime Minister Hun Sen spoke at the Puthisastra graduation ceremony on Thursday.
“Malaysia is our largest rice importer among ASEAN members. Malaysia used to has the largest investment in the kingdom but now fell to the sixth,” the premier stated, adding that: “The return of the 90-year Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad as Malaysia Premier vowed to move up to the second or third.”
Speaking in a courtesy call on Cambodian Prime Minister...Read More

Cambodia’s Tax Revenue in 2019 ahead of Plan: PM Hun Sen

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen said that tax and customs collection in the first five months from January to May 2019 is ahead of the annual plan, speaking Monday at the Royal University of Phnom Penh graduation ceremony at Koh Pich.
“Within the first five months, our tax collection reached more than 58 percent of the year plan, while the customs over 54%,” said the Premier.
Within the first four months of 2019, the government had collected about USD 1,150 million...Read More

PM Hun Sen Vows No Electricity Shortages in 2020

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen claimed that the government has gained many lessons from the shortages of electricity supply this year and that power outage will not happen in 2020, speaking Monday at the Royal University of Phnom Penh graduation ceremony at Koh Pich.
“During the dry season, we face water shortages that halt our hydropower. Our hydro capacity is 1400 megawatts but can only generate around 150 more or less. It is a good lesson for us this year to...Read More

Timor-Leste Is Capable to Become ASEAN Member: PM Hun Sen

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen expressed confidence that the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste is capable to become member of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), speaking Monday at the Royal University of Phnom Penh graduation ceremony at Koh Pich.
By the end of 2019, ASEAN will send a Fact Finding Mission team to examine Timor-Leste, according to the Premier.
“I have visited Timor-Leste. Timor-Leste has the capacity to become ASEAN member. We should not overlook Timor who is building human...Read More

PM Hun Sen Urges People to Host “Khmer Noodle” Party for National Unity

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen urged people nationwide to host and join Khmer Noodle-eating party for national unity, speaking Monday at the Royal University of Phnom Penh graduation ceremony at Koh Pich.
He also recommended the ruling CPP members to host public Khmer Noodle party on 9 June 2019 in all provinces, the day the dissolved CNRP launched its “noodle-eating” campaign.
“If eating noodle becomes political, we should create noodle-eating day for national unity,” the Premier stated.
Prime Minister’s appeal was...Read More

Cambodia’s PM Hun Sen Arrives Home after the 25th International Conference on the Future of Asia in Japan

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen arrived Phnom Penh safe after attending the 25th International Conference on the Future of Asia and a series of events in Tokyo, from 29-31 May 2019.
At the 25th International Conference, Prime Minister delivered his key note address on the Conference’s theme “In Search of the New Global Order – Overcoming the Chaos ” and share his perspective on the current global context, future prospect, the way forward and Cambodia’s commitment and contribution to promoting harmony,...Read More

Cambodia’s Hun Sen Meets Japan’s Abe

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen, on Friday, held bilateral meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Abe to discuss various bilateral, regional, and international issues of common interests.
Both Prime Ministers also witnessed the signing of the Exchange of Notes on the Extension of Japanese grant aid for two development projects in Cambodia, including the ¥ 200,000,000 for the Implementation of the Economic and Social Development Programme — Construction of Container Freight Station; and ¥ 339, 000, 000 for the implementation of the...Read More

PM Hun Sen Seated Next to Abe at Dinner Reception

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister and leaders of Asian countries, attended the dinner reception of the 25th International Conference on Future of Asia on Thursday night, organized by Nikkei, in Tokyo, Japan.
The dinner was attended by Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, where he took the opportunity to thank the leaders and officials of all Asian countries for attending the international conference.
During the dinner reception, Prime Minister Hun Sen was seated next to Abe, having great opportunity to exchange perspectives on various...Read More
