Cambodia Organizes Khmer Noodle for Foreign Guests at WTO Headquarter

Source: FN

As the host of “Socio-Cultural Program”, Cambodia organized traditional Khmer cuisine and other appetizers for foreign guests to taste. Among those, Khmer noodle was served to represent Cambodia’s identity.
Khmer Noodle, locally known as Num Banh Chok, is rice vermicelli noodle with soup. It is served wth Samlar Khmer – a soup made of fermented fish topped with crisp raw vegetables including cucumbers, banana blossom, and water lily stems and fresh herbs, such as basil and mint.
Socio-Cultural Program was held...Read More

Cambodia Reported on Media Is Different to Cambodia in Reality: PM Hun Sen

Source: FN

Cambodia reported on media is different to Cambodia in reality, and sometimes is completely portrayed in the opposite way, Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen delivered a speech at the 41st Universal Periodic Review on Human Rights at the United Nations Office at Geneva on Thursday.
Prime Minister informed the participants that Cambodia’s modern history went through a number of disastrous episodes from the Indochina War 1970-1975 to the Pol Pot genocidal regime 1975-1979, resulting in a complete destruction to the roots...Read More

PM Hun Sen to Attend Aid-for-Trade Global Review 2019 in Switzerland

Source: FN

At the invitation of Roberto Azevêdo, Director-General of the World Trade Organization (WTO), Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen will lead a high-level delegation to participate in the Aid-for-Trade Global Review 2019 to be held from 3-5 July 2019 in Geneva, Switzerland, according to the ministry of foreign affairs’ press release dated Friday.
He will be accompanied by Deputy Prime Minister Aun Pornmoniroth, Minister of Economy and Finance; Pan Sorasak, Minister of Commerce, and other senior government officials.
The Aid-for-Trade Global Review...Read More

PM Hun Sen Addresses at “Socio-Cultural Program” at WTO Headquarter

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen addressed at the opening of the “Socio-Cultural Program” and the launching of the “2019-2023 Cambodia Trade Integration Strategy”, chaired by Cambodia, held at WTO headquarter in Geneva, Switzerland.
“Cambodia believes in benefits of globalization and international cooperation under rules-based trading system. We acknowledge that the global trading system should not be blocked by unilateral tariff measures, but should be promoted and supported through the adherence to proper policy of preferences and provisions of special preferential treatment...Read More

PM Hun Sen Calls on WTO Members to Continue Assisting Cambodia to Achieve High-income Status by 2050

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen addressed at the opening of the Aid-for-Trade Global Review 2019, held in the morning of 3 July 2019 in Geneva, Switzerland.
The premier took the opportunity to thank all countries and development partners for assisting Cambodia and other LDCs in the past; and called on WTO members and development partners to continue assisting Cambodia to become higher middle income country by 2030 and high-income by 2050 to make further and speedy progress in accordance with the...Read More

Cambodia Works Closely with 15 Countries to Conclude RCEP Free Trade Agreement: PM Hun Sen

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen addressed at the opening of the Aid-for-Trade Global Review 2019, held in the morning of 3 July 2019 in Geneva, Switzerland.
The premier informed WTO leaders and members that: “Cambodia is working closely with 15 other Asian countries to negotiate for the completion in 2019 a Free Trade Agreement (RCEP) in which its 2018 GDP is USD 85 trillion, accounts for 30% of world’s GDP.”
The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) is an under-negotiation modern and...Read More

PM Hun Sen Calls on WTO Members to Consider Closely before Suspending Trade Scheme

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen addressed at the opening of the Aid-for-Trade Global Review 2019, held in the morning of 3 July 2019 in Geneva, Switzerland.
The premier took the opportunity to thank all countries and development partners for assisting Cambodia and other LDCs in the past; and called on WTO members and development partners to consider carefully before suspending or withdrawing trade scheme from LDCs, as it will not allow them to graduate from such status, nor make speedy progress...Read More

Cambodia Opposes Foreign Interference in the Cambodian Internal Affairs, Says President of Ruling CPP

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen, President of the Cambodian People’s Party (CPP), said that Cambodia is under no foreign rules and oppose foreign interference in the Cambodian internal affairs, addressed in the Meeting to commemorate the 68th Founding Anniversary of the CPP, held Friday at Koh Pich, Phnom Penh.
The claim was made in response to allegations that the ruling party was under Vietnamese influence.
“The Cambodian People’s Party is determined to firmly defend independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity and to...Read More

PM Hun Sen Addresses at Aid-for-Trade Global Review 2019 in Switzerland

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen addressed at the opening of the Aid-for-Trade Global Review 2019, held in the morning of 3 July 2019 in Geneva, Switzerland.
The forum was attended by WTO leaders and those of WTO member states.
The Aid-for-Trade Global Review 2019, under the theme “Supporting Economic Diversification and Empowerment for Inclusive, Sustainable Development through Aid for Trade” aims at examining how Aid for Trade can effectively support economic diversification and empowerment.
Given Cambodia’s impressive achievements on economic diversification...Read More

Human Rights Starts with the Rights to Live: PM Hun Sen

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen will deliver a keynote address on 4 July 2019 on the progress of human rights in Cambodia, to be witnessed by human rights officials in the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Geneva, Switzerland.
Strongman Hun Sen urged the human rights observers to differentiate Cambodia’s human rights situation “in the present” from “40 years ago”, addressing Monday while meeting with members and staff of Krousar Thmey Foundation in Phnom Penh.
Prime Minister...Read More

Krousar Tmey Foundation Continues to Grow after Transferring to under Ministry of Education: PM Hun Sen

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen believed that after transferring Krousar Tmey Foundation to be under the management of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, it will continue to grow with the support from the Royal Government of Cambodia as well as local and foreign donors.
The statement was made Monday, 1 July, at the meeting with members and staff of Krousar Thmey Foundation in Phnom Penh.
The premier pledges to make Kroursar Tmey foundation “a decent institute” for the disabled...Read More

President of CPP Hun Sen Briefs History of Political Action: Brave and Steadfast Leadership

On 28 June 2019, Samdech Techo Hun Sen presides over the celebration of the 68th Founding Anniversary of Cambodian's People Party (28 June 1951 - 28 June 2019), at Diamond Island Centre.

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen, President of the Cambodian People’s Party (CPP), addressed to tens of thousands of members of CPP that in brief, history of political action of CPP has been one of a brave and steadfast leadership.
The briefing was made at the Meeting to commemorate the 68th Founding Anniversary of the CPP, held Friday, at Koh Pich Phnom Penh.
Going through the past four decades of the struggle for national survival, restoration, and defense of motherland since the...Read More
