PM Hun Sen to Implement the “Fifth Approach” to Dismiss Corrupted Officials

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen firmly committed to implement the fifth approach, ‘surgery’, to dismiss corrupted officials, speaking during his visit to the new stadium Morodok Techo National Stadium on Monday.
“From today, we will send Anti-Corruption Unit to directly arrest you [corrupted official],” said Prime Minister.
Corruption has been found to be a major obstacle to national development. The Royal Government of Cambodia has been actively fighting against corruption.
The premier’s warning was made after the director of Pursat Provincial...Read More

PM Hun Sen: Politicians Praying for My Death Are the Weakest

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen once again announced that he must continue to lead in order to defeat and eliminate the traitors to ensure the kingdom’s peace and development, speaking during his visit to the new stadium Morodok Techo National Stadium on Monday.
The premier stated that any politicians awaiting for his death to get power is the weakest politician.
Head of the Royal Government informed the dissolved oppositions not to expect his death for the next 40 years.
“Do not...Read More

Cambodian Government Earns $500M in July, Spends only $300M: PM Hun Sen

Source: FN

In response to unreasonable criticisms stating that the Royal Government lacks of money to pay monthly salary to her officials, Head of the Government Hun Sen, on Monday, said that the government earns about USD 400 million per month, yet spends only USD 300 million.
“We only spend USD 300 million per month, yet we can earn about USD 400 million,” the premier stated.
Cambodia’s General Department of Taxation (GDT) collected over USD 500 million in tax and non-fiscal revenues in...Read More

PM Hun Sen Orders Minister Chea Sophara to Examine Illegal Construction, Speculated of Corruption

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen ordered the minister of Land Management, Urban Planning, and Construction Chea Sophara to examine illegal construction which is speculated of corruption, speaking during his visit to the new stadium Morodok Techo National Stadium on Monday.
“Our experience in arresting the three corrupted officials in Pursat led us to speculate that the illegal construction caused by obstacles of getting the legal paperwork,” the premier stated.
Prime Minister also raised scenario that, “Supposed a man wanted to build...Read More

ACU Arrests Pursat Cadaster Chief due to Corruption: PM Hun Sen

Source: FN

The director of Pursat Provincial Cadastral Office and two other officials were arrested by the Anti Corruption Unit (ACU) on Saturday morning, 27 July 2019 in Pursat province.
Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen confirmed this Monday that the arrest was made on the ground of corruption.
According to the premier, the trio include: Cadastral Office director Leam Bunroeun; deputy director of construction Cheang Vuthy; and another official Te Buntheng. They asked for USD 100,000 from an investor who requested for paperwork...Read More

Cambodian Democracy Act Passed by US Does Not Affect Cambodia, Says PM Hun Sen

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen has made it clear that the passing of Cambodia Democracy Act of 2018 by American lawmakers will not affect Cambodian people and country, speaking during his visit to the new stadium Morodok Techo National Stadium on Monday.
According to Prime Minister, the United States has prepared many bills to sanction Vietnam, yet they have never adopted once.
“How will Cambodian people suffer from Cambodia Democracy Act 2018? The bill has only two specific purposes: apply property...Read More

PM Hun Sen Calls on People to Eat Pork as Usual

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen called on Cambodian people to consume pork as usual and not to worry about African swine fever, as it only affects animals not humans, speaking during his visit to the new stadium Morodok Techo National Stadium on Monday.
“Regarding African swine fever, I would like to appeal to our people to eat pork as usual and not to worry. I also eat pork every day,” said the premier.
The fever has caused a sharp decrease of...Read More

PM Hun Sen Warns Facebook Account “So Somyuth” to Stop Rudely Addressing Prime Minister and Minister of Interior

Source: FN

Prime Minister Hun Sen warned a Facebook user “So Somyuth” having a real name “Khorn” for improperly addressing prime minister and minister of interior, speaking during his visit to the new stadium Morodok Techo National Stadium on Monday.
The premier warned Mr. Khorn to stop calling Samdech Sar Kheng “Ah Tnout”, basically means “palm tree”; and calling Prime Minister Hun Sen “Ah Mouy Neng”, which means “that one guy”. (Cambodian people normally address a stupid person “Ah Tnout” and call their...Read More

PM Hun Sen Asks US to Explain the Intention of Accusing the Chinese Military Base in Cambodia

Source: FN

Prime Minister Hun Sen asked the United States to explain the intention of accusing Cambodia of hosting the Chinese military base, speaking during his visit to the new stadium Morodok Techo National Stadium on Monday.
The premier informed the compatriots that the baseless accusations made by the Americans have made Cambodia and other countries suffer the wars tremendously.
“Before the 1970 coup, you [Americans] accused Cambodia of hosting Vietnamese troops. Then you ousted His Majesty King Father Norodom Sihanouk. You also...Read More

My Health Is Strong as Normal: PM Hun Sen

Source: FN

Prime Minister Hun Sen informed Cambodian compatriots that he is healthy as normal and that Friday tomorrow he will meet a delegation from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), an international financial institution and specialized UN’s food and agriculture hub established since 1978.
“My health is strong as normal. Tomorrow (26 July), I will receive IFAD delegation,” the premier wrote earlier today, 25 July.
“The most important thing for me is too see my compatriots have jobs and their children...Read More

Foreign Affairs Releases Clarification of PM Hun Sen Rejecting Fake News spread by The Wall Street Journal

Source: FN

Prime Minister Hun Sen categorically rejects the Fake News spread by The Wall Street Journal alleging that Cambodia has signed a secret agreement to grant
China its military exclusive use of the Ream Naval Base near Sihanoukville, Cambodian Ministry of Foreign Affairs wrote in its press release dated Monday.

...Read More

News on Cambodia-China Sign Secret Deal on Military Base Is the Worst Distorted News against Cambodia, Says PM Hun Sen

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen announced through Fresh News that the dissemination of information on “Cambodia-China signing deal to use military base in the kingdom” is the worst form of distorted news against Cambodia.
“It was the worst distorted news against us. No such thing happens. Foreign military base is against Cambodia’s constitution,” Prime Minister Hun Sen told Fresh News CEO Lim Chea Vutha in an interview on Monday, 22 July.
The premier’s reiteration came after foreign medias baselessly accused the...Read More
