Government Spends $1B on Infrastructure in 2019: PM Hun Sen

Source: FN

Prime Minister Hun Sen said that the Royal Government has spent USD 1 billion on infrastructure investment, speaking Friday at the graduation ceremony held at National Institute of Education.
“We have spent about USD 400 million on buying electricity generators from Finland and Germany, and USD 300 on Sihanoukville infrastructure,” the premier said.
According to the premier, Cambodian Government earns about USD 500 million per month, addressing at the inauguration of road construction in the kingdom’s coastal province Sihanoukville on 16...Read More

PM Hun Sen: Cambodian Government Can Operate without EBA

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen stated Monday that Cambodian Government can still run without the European Union (EU)’s Everything But Arms (EBA) preferential tariffs, speaking in a graduation ceremony at National Institute of Education.
“Our custom revenue comes from the imports, not from EBA,” the premier stated.
According to the premier, Cambodian Government earns about USD 500 million per month.
“We can earn about USD 500 million per month, yet spend around USD 300-400 million [including salary remuneration] We can save...Read More

Cambodia’s Oil Scheduled to Flow in 2020: PM Hun Sen

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen confirmed Monday that Cambodia will have the first drop of oil in 2020 but could not confirm the date, speaking in the graduation ceremony on Monday.
“I could not announce the actual date of oil schedule, as I did not want to be mistaken like in 2012,” the premier stated.
Cambodia’s Apsara oil is scheduled to flow in the first half of 2020 and the field is expected to reach a peak rate of 7,500 barrels...Read More

Sihanoukville to Become Potential City after 34-line Road Construction

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen said that the construction of the 34-line roads in Sihanoukville marks a new era of infrastructure in Cambodia, and upon completion, the coastal city will attract many tourists and serves as multi-purposes city.
The statement was made at the inauguration of road construction in Sihanoukville on 16 November 2019.
As most roads in Sihanoukville are inaccessible, the Royal Government of Cambodia begins the infrastructure reconstruction to meet the needs of the potential coastal city, starting from...Read More

PM Hun Sen Bans His Children from Becoming Members of Royal Government or Economy and Finance Institutions

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen announced that he would not allow his children to become members of the Royal Government or serve in national economic and finance institutions, addressing at the inauguration of road construction in the kingdom’s coastal province Sihanoukville on 16 November 2019.
The reaction came after people criticised the appointment of his oldest son Hun Manet, a graduate of West Point US Military Academy, as Cambodian Army Commander.
“Would you let your kids be thieve after receiving education?...Read More

Cambodia-China to Negotiate on Free Trade Agreement in December: PM Hun Sen

Source: FN

The Royal Government of Cambodia and the Chinese Government planned to hold the first official consultation on feasibility study of the bilateral free trade agreement (FTA) between the two countries on 4 December 2019, speaking at the inauguration of road construction in the kingdom’s coastal province Sihanoukville on 16 November 2019.
“FTA will further boost Khmer-Sino trade; every country trades with China, even the US,” the premier stated.
“The US has China Towns everywhere; same in France… But when Chinese comes...Read More

Cambodia Only Arrests People by Court’s Orders: PM Hun Sen

Source: FN

Head of the Royal Government of Cambodia Prime Minister Hun Sen clarified to the public that the kingdom only arrests people by court’s orders, speaking at the inauguration of road construction in the kingdom’s coastal province Sihanoukville on 16 November 2019.
“Justice Spokesperson Kim Santepheap already clarified that the court never arrests people anarchically. To arrest someone without the court’s order is against the law; the one who arrests others [without orders] also violates the law,” the premier stated.
“Arresting without...Read More

Kingdom Reserves Water for Electricity Generation during Dry Season

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen reassured people that the kingdom has reserved 100 percent of water in the dams for hydroelectricity generation during the dry season, addressing Thursday at the cement inauguration ceremony in Kampot province.
“I reassure people in the capital that they will not face power cut. While we have enough water for electricity production, we also have other sources such as solar power, coal plant, and electricity imports from Vietnam, Thailand and Laos,” the premier stated.
According to...Read More

PM Hun Sen to Preside over the Inauguration of $300M Road Construction in Sihanoukville

Source: FN

The construction of USD 300 million road in Sihanoukville province will kick off on Saturday this week, Prime Minister Hun Sen addressed at a cement inauguration ceremony in Kampot province on Thursday.
“I have to go to Sihanoukville this Saturday to open road construction that costs about USD 300 million,” the premier said.
According to Prime Minister, the government has set a new vision by promoting road quality rather than quantity.
“Before, we allocated USD100 million to build 200 kilometres long,...Read More

PM Hun Sen Thanks People for Jointly Destroying Sam Rainsy’s 9/11 Coup Plan

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen thanked venerable monks and citizens of the country for jointly destroying former opposition leader Sam Rainsy’s coup plan, addressing at a cement inauguration ceremony in Kampot province on Thursday.
“I would like to thank monks, citizens, and authorities at all levels for jointly preventing 9/11 coup by eating ambok together,” said the premier.
Prime Minister Hun Sen invited compatriots to eat ambok on Independence Day 9 November, in order to defend the Nation, Religion and King.Read More

Cambodia Can Produce 8M Tons Cement per Annum

Source: FN

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen said that Cambodia is capable to produce eight million tons of cement per annum, addressing at a cement inauguration ceremony in Kampot province on Thursday.
“Now we are capable of producing eight million tons of cement, which saves us USD 500 million from imports. Our vision is to reduce imports and boost exports,” he said.
Minister of Mines and Energy Suy Sem said that in 2017 and 2018, Cambodia could supply cement to domestic needs, yet...Read More

PM Hun Sen: Rainsy Uses People’s Blood to Achieve Goal, yet Failed

Source: FN

Traitor Sam Rainsy, former Cambodian opposition figure, had planned to use Cambodian people’s blood to achieve his goals, yet failed, according to Prime Minister Hun Sen’s at a cement inauguration ceremony in Kampot province on Thursday.
“He [Rainsy] pushed people to die. First, he pushed people in the country. Then, he lobbied workers in Thailand. In this sense, he used people’s blood to achieve goal [gain power]. Liar is still a liar,” said Prime Minister.
Sam Rainsy and his entourages have...Read More
