Fresh News Does Not Remove Article Pertaining Information “PM Hun Sen States Chun Chanbuth Used to Be a Spy and Requested Gov’t to Protect from Murder” and Related Articles

Source: FN Fresh News would like to dismiss Voice of America (VOA)’s article in Khmer entitled “U.S Ambassador Considers Hun Sen’s Speech Related to Chun Chanbuth and Kem Ley is an Insult to the U.S” dated on March 18, 2018. In the above article, VOA wrote, “Fresh News, close to the Hun Sen government, has…

PM Hun Sen Sends Letter to Congratulate President Xi Jinping

Source: FN Prime Minister Hun Sen sent a warmest congratulation letter to Chinese President Xi Jinping for being re-elected by the National People’s Congress as the President of the People’s Republic of China and Chairman of the Central Military Committee on Saturday. “I firmly believe that, with your far-sighted and tireless endeavor, the Chinese government…

Special Interview with Deputy Prime Minister Hor Namhong: Successful Presence of PM Hun Sen in Australia

Source: FN Prime Minister Hun Sen has attended ASEAN-Australia Special Summit in Sydney, Australia, at the invitation of the Australian Government. The premier’s presence in Australia has brought about many positive outcomes beyond expectations, including the 87 million Australia dollar Aid for 2018 development and the excessive support of Cambodian people living in Australia and…

PM Hun Sen Introduces Fresh News to ASEAN Leaders

Source: FN Prime Minister Hun Sen publicly announced that he has introduced Fresh News on his mobile phone on Saturday afternoon to the top leaders of ASEAN, while streaming the news about Cambodian citizens living in Australia welcoming himself in Sydney. His remark came during a meet-and- greet with over 500 people in Sydney. Prime…

PM Hun Sen Reveals the Murderer of Kem Ley

Source: FN Prime Minister Hun Sen told Cambodian people in a meeting in Sydney on Friday that the third-party spy was the one who murdered Kem Ley. Prime Minister said that there was no benefits for him to murder Kem Ley; in contrast, he had arranged a special meeting with Dr Kem Ley, but was…

PM Hun Sen Meets with Cambodian People in Australia

Source: FN Many Cambodians in Australia, on Friday, came together to welcome and meet Prime Minister Hun Sen with deep respect and love. “Having Samdech Techo Hun Sen means having development! Having Prime Minister Hun Sen means having peace,” shouted Cambodian people. Prime Minister Hun Sen and a senior delegation of the Royal Government of…

PM Hun Sen: No Montagnards in Cambodia

Source: FN Prime Minister Hun Sen considered the handover agreement between Sam Rainsy and Vietnamese ethnic group leader Kok Ksor as the most dangerous thing for the nation, and that he claimed Montagnard or Degar ethnic minority is Vietnamese. His remark was made during a meeting with Cambodian people living in Australia and New Zealand…