Excellencies, Ladies, and Gentlemen
Today I am delighted to participate in the launching of the Information System Administration Project at the Council of Ministers. The formulation of the Information System Administration Project is an event we should be proud of, since it pushes forward our government agenda in enhancing Cambodia’s information technology towards closing the digital divide between Cambodia and the rest of the region and the world.I welcome and am especially grateful for the presence here today of HE Prime Minister Kim Suk-Soo, and the delegation of the Republic of Korea. May I express and convey the deep gratitude of the RGC and Cambodian people to the Government and people of the Republic of Korea for their cooperation with Cambodia in ICT, especially for the concessional financing provided for the Information System Administration Project that we are launching today.
As I have mentioned many times, for Cambodia, an IT capability development project is crucial for the growth engine for our economy. With such economic growth, we can reduce the poverty of our people and ensure an equitable society and sustainable development.The Information System Administration Project that we launch today is important for improving efficiency, reducing work time and the overall costs. The project also reflects the commitment of the RGC to fulfill the goals identified under ASEAN integration and engagement in globalization.
The E-ASEAN Agreement was signed, on 24-25 November 2000 in Singapore, by the leaders of the ASEAN-10 in the Fourth Informal ASEAN Summit. The e-ASEAN agreement commits to develop the ASEAN information infrastructure, to promote e-commerce consistent with the liberalization of trade in goods and services, further investments in IT and the training of human resources for e-government as well.
In order to respond to the domestic and regional developments as well as to take advantage of the globalization process and the revolution of information technology, the Royal Government of Cambodia has established the National Authority in charge of Information Technology and Communications Development on August 23, 2000. This new body is responsible for the development of modern technology in all fields, to place our country on the path of development common with other nations in the regions and the world.
At the 8th ASEAN Summit and related summits this week, all concerned expressed strong appreciation for the cooperation between ASEAN and the Republic of Korea in fields such as human resource development, cultural exchange, trade and investment. Those efforts will help promote development across ASEAN in general and specifically help reduce the economic and digital divide between Cambodia and the rest of the world.Today, I am very happy to convey our gratitude for the bilateral cooperation between Cambodia and the Republic of Korea. The RoK is sharing with us her successful experiences in human resource development in information technology, as well as capital assistance for the project in Cambodia.
To take this opportunity, I wish to thank all the government’s ministries and institutions, civil society, private sector, key national and international organizations for their active cooperation in the IT development of Cambodia.
In closing I wish the success for the GAIS project and for you all, the Gems of Buddhist blessings.