On 26 Devember 2016, from his Facebook account, Samdech Techo Hun Sen reminded people in social media about his eye’s wound in the war for national liberation that “my eye was wounded at 6:15 am on 16 April 1975 at the eastern footing of the Kizuna bridge of Tunle Bet comune, Tbong Khmum district, formerly Kompong Cham province, currently Tbong Khmum province.
Samdech Techo said “it was here that I was seriously wounded and maimed my left eye. It was painful when surgeons took my damaged wound out … one of my eyes was gone.”
Remembering this painful experience Samdech Techo advised that “that was because of war created by former generation of politicians and many either died or maimed, myself also included” and said “we must defend peace that was so difficult to achieve.”